Somebody beat me to the publication of a translation of the demonology in the Fasciculus rerum Geomanticarum, which readers may recall I was playing at in 2020. That does take some of the already pathetic wind out of my sails on that backburnered project, but I don’t think my work will be without merit as an alternative look at the same material. There are judgement calls to be made in translation, you see, and I don’t agree with all of this translator’s choices. Plus I intend to illustrate my book.
I don’t know. Maybe I do it, maybe I don’t. I’m not saying I’m giving up just yet. We’ll see.
A highlight of that translator’s introductory section, for me, was the suggestion differences in the descriptions of the same demons from various grimoires could be the result of actual experience of communion with those creatures. I thought that was charming. My take on the same issues cannot help but be less generous to the possibility supernatural phenomena. Philosophical materialism is in my bones.
Citing some demon or other: “All of them will bathe in hellfire” [1]
[1] Shardonath, personal communication
cool, cool.