Volvox in Highlights Magazine


This is so cool! The March issue of Highlights Magazine (“Fun with a purpose”) includes a full page on Volvox. Highlights is aimed at kids 6-12 and publishes both print and digital editions:

In every 40-page issue, kids explore new topics, investigate cool subjects and find out about the world. Highlights magazine for kids is filled with stories, games, puzzles, riddles, science experiments, craft projects and interactive entertainment!

I love the idea of little kids learning about Volvox. If you have kids or are a dentist, think about a Highlights subscription. The associate editor gave me permission to post pdfs of the article with and without the facing page (thank you!). Print them out and put them outside your office door beside the first pages of your journal articles!

Highlights_Single (pdf)

Highlights_Spread (pdf)

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