Social media users who post ‘negative’ content about Bolingbrook might end up paying thousands of dollars in damages and legal fees.
Anonymous sources within Village Hall say the board is considering an ordinance similar to the Texas Fetal Heartbeat law. The ordinance permits lawsuits against anyone who “posts content that defames, diminishes, or in any way promotes negativity within or towards the Village of Bolingbrook.”
Supporters in Village Hall say it is a necessary ordinance to combat what they perceive to be an “unprecedented onslaught of negativity” against the village.
“Texas has shown us the way,” said Ted, a village employee who asked that we not use his/her real name. “The Supreme Court is saying the government can do anything it wants as long as other people act on its behalf. Why should a government limit itself to restricting abortion access? The Constitution can no longer stop us from doing what’s right!”
The text of the ordinance, provided by one of the sources, states that anyone in the United States “with any ties to Bolingbrook,” can sue anyone who posts “untrue, subjectively untrue, true but negative, and true but subjectively negative” content on social media about Bolingbrook. If the complainant wins, they will receive $1000 plus legal fees. If the complainant loses, they will receive $500 from the village and the defendant will still have to pay all legal fees. Only members of the Bolingbrook Friends and Neighbors Facebook group, who are in good standing, are exempt.’
Jane, another source who asked that his/her real name not be published, insisted that the ordinance is not intended to punish opponents of Bolingbrook’s ruling First Party for Bolingbrook:
“Facebook is overrun with negative political groups and pages. We’ve got Bolingbrook Politics, Bolingbrook Area Politics, Bolingbrook Politics Uncensored, Bolingbrook Friends and Neighbors uncensored, Bolingbrook United, Bolingbrook Independent Voices, and so on. Bolingbrook runs on positive energy, and negative posts hurt all residents.”
Ted added: “If the Founding Fathers believed in free speech, they wouldn’t have allowed the Alien and Sedition Acts to become law. This ordinance is perfectly in line with the original intent of the Constitution, and not the amended mess we have now.”
None of the village trustees could be reached to comment on the proposed ordinance.
A person who claimed to work for the Village Attorney said: “Oh, if we ever felt that such a law was Constitutional, you would be the first to know!”
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