And you know what? They’re damn right. I am intolerant of bronze age morality that teaches you it is okay to psychologically torture somebody because of who they are. What now? You were expecting me to deny it? No. Catholics: Eat a shit sandwich and get the fuck out of public school.
Last August, Wells and Public Interest Alberta issued a “report card” analyzing how well four of those policies complied with laws passed in 2015. They concluded Greater St. Albert Catholic Schools’ policy failed to protect students, and gave Grande Prairie Catholic Schools’ policy a D grade. The school districts refuted Wells’ findings.
Last September, the superintendents of both school districts, the then-president of the Council of Catholic School Superintendents of Alberta and the president of the Alberta Catholic School Trustees’ Association wrote letters to Turpin and university chancellor Douglas Stollery calling Wells’ statements “inaccurate and intolerant.”
They took issue with Wells’ comments that teaching students chastity is “embarrassing and inappropriate in 2016.”
“Is Dr. Wells lecturing his U of A education students to promote their grade school students being sexually active?” state letters from both the Grande Prairie Catholic school board and the Catholic superintendents’ group.
The thing about the Catholic church and its subsidiaries and their fight against decency and fairness is that they are making the response to “anti-Catholic” a resounding “Yeah. So?”
Yes, not supplying your children to priests for indoctrination and rape is intolerant: Without those “perks” how will they ever recruit more priests? Whithering-away of the priestly caste is “genocide”!
Also, it reduces their (tax-free) profits.
I thought you wrote satire.
The school districts refuted Wells’ findings.
No, Edmonton Journal, the districts disputed Wells’s findings, they did not – and cannot – refute (disprove, show falsity of) them.