Gingy Breads 2024 Xmass – Part 2

Today a few Christmas trees.

© Charly, all rights reserved. Click for full size.

© Charly, all rights reserved. Click for full size.

© Charly, all rights reserved. Click for full size.

© Charly, all rights reserved. Click for full size.

© Charly, all rights reserved. Click for full size.

© Charly, all rights reserved. Click for full size.

Gingy Breads 2024 Xmass – Part 1

Today just a little teaser of my mother’s creations this year. She made so many gingerbread houses this Christmas that I will have to post them over a few days. I shoulda start two weeks ago but I somehow never got to it.

© Charly, all rights reserved. Click for full size

© Charly, all rights reserved. Click for full size

© Charly, all rights reserved. Click for full size

© Charly, all rights reserved. Click for full size

© Charly, all rights reserved. Click for full size

© Charly, all rights reserved. Click for full size

Another Doctor’s Perspective About a Squashed Tick

My feelings are very similar. I do not condone the killing of the vampiric CEO of a corporation that has killed hundreds of thousands, if not actually millions, of people so that a few bloodsuckers at the top can buy mansions and yachts and gloat over having more money than they will ever actually need. But I completely understand the motivation behind the killing and hard as I might, I cannot find in me even the tiniest speck of sympathy for a dead parasite. I wish the CEO were stripped of his wealth and imprisoned for the murders he committed instead, but my wishes don’t mean squat.

Because, murdering people by neglecting their basic human needs for personal profit is very often legal in the USA, and in most probability, it will become even more legal under Trump. All the while he will claim doing the opposite and his brainless followers will cheer him on.

I only hope that the EU will continue to resist the USA’s attempts at exporting their model of “healthcare” here too, we already have whole parties centered around trickle-down economics and creationism, etc., so we don’t need more bad ideas in our politics.

YouTube Video: Why I Stopped Being Anti-Woke

I used to watch DarkMatter2525 in the early years of online atheism but I unsubscribed from him after his “What if God was SJW” video, because I considered it lame and daft, as I did about 99% of the anti-SJW content at the time and ever since. Today, the YuTub algorrhythm recommended this video of his.

I listened to it while gluing up kitchen boards in the workshop. I think it is good. I do not quite get his current opinion of Anita Sarkeesian, but I completely agree with his view of the current “Anti-Woke” brigade. He does admit that he was wrong in the past with his anti-sjw stance, which I consider to be a good thing. Thus, I recommend this video; it does deserve some traffic.

Invasive but Cute

Nutria have been a nuisance in Europe for some decades now, having escaped and been released from fur farms. In areas where there are dikes they can pose a risk, but otherwise they’re pretty harmless neozotes. They’re also cute as fuck. My area has a pretty amount of natural and artificial ponds and the nutria, being pretty ok with humans in proximity, make good use of areas that their shyer relatives like beavers avoid. Our local pond has been populated by them since last year and yesterday we took a walk around it. Did I say “pretty ok with humans?”. Well, actively investigating us would be more accurate. As I took out my phone, this fellow came over to investigate whether that thing might be edible. The whiskers do tickle.

Pic of a nutria that poinbts its nose towards the camera. Nose and whiskers are in focus, the rest of the animal fades into the background

©Giliell, all rights reserved

Aye Maide Some Cutting Boards

I haven’t posted here about crafting for a long time, so I decided to do some posting now. I already made my first cutting boards from jatoba and they are currently tested in three different kitchens. Here are the pictures:

© Charly, all rights reserved. Click for full size.

© Charly, all rights reserved. Click for full size.

© Charly, all rights reserved. Click for full size.

© Charly, all rights reserved. Click for full size.

So far they work reasonably well. Jatoba is very hard so whilst the surfaces get scratched by knife blades, the scratches are extremely shallow and since these are end-grain cutting boards, it will take a lot of cutting to wear out some material. Considering that ordinary side-grain boards from beech wood still hold reasonably flat for decades, I think these will last a lifetime. Which means I won’t need new cutting boards, ever.

My mother already forgot the middle-sized one (with slanted rows) on a wet towel and it warped something awful. But after it dried out, it straightened again and the glue held. She put the board on a wet towel so it does not slide on the table and this was not the first wooden board that had warped due to this ill-thought-out practice. From now on, she is using a silicone mat for that purpose, and the problem is solved. I also put a few offcuts in the dishwasher and they performed as I expected – the glue failed.

Currently, I am making jatoba cutting boards for sale. And just like with knives, I will prepare short documents about how to care for them to customers. That is why I am actually glad that my mother did the thing with wet towel because I would not have thought of it and I do need to know all the different ways these can fail.

Although I must say, if someone gives a wooden cutting board in a dishwasher, then they are probably about as smart as an average Trump voter, and thus probably just as resistant to information. Well, c’est la vie.

When making the next cutting board, my drum sander broke. I had to improvipair it and today I got to work on it for several hours. It does indeed have higher power now and thus it functions a lot better. I might be able to flatten boards without the router, as I originally intended. I did flatten this board like that, and it is huge.

© Charly, all rights reserved. Click for full size.

It is made from black locust and I made it for myself. Not for the kitchen – it is 60×30 cm, a bit too large for that – but for my workshop for leather work. I expect it to be more cut-resistant than even the very best cutting mat. I love how the black locust grain looks and I am contemplating making kitchen boards from it too.

I am writing about making the boards weekly on the knife blogge but I will write a series of posts here too.

Please Stop Pretending Like You Care About Palestine

The presidential election in the USA is near and what astounds me about it the most is that there are apparently still some people who claim to be on the political left who insist on calling a vote for Harris a “vote for genocide” under the pretense that not voting for her will be better for Palestine.

Please stop saying that nonsense already. We had already one election where Trump won the presidency and we had almost a decade of listening to his speeches (if his incoherent ramblings can be called that)  Anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows at this point that the next president will be either Harris or Trump and that of those two a vote for Trump is not only a “vote for genocide” but a vote for genocides. And it is also clear, given how the US election works, that not voting for Harris is almost the same as giving a vote to Trump too, because he has an extremely hyped-up and irrational base. Anyone pretending otherwise either denies reality or does not have two brain cells to rub together. I think these people do have functional brains, so why do they knowingly lie and deny reality?

In the real world, there will never be a candidate who can both have a realistic shot at winning the election and agree with everything these people want them to say and do, so there is, in fact, a 100% guarantee that they will disagree with any candidate on something. And from the behavior of some of these people online, I surmise that this is, in fact, what they want. They do not want to make the world better; they want to feel morally superior.

I am generally not someone to kink-shame people but I do consider furiously masturbating in public over your own perceived moral purity unseemly. If you cannot vote for Harris because you are an asshat who wants to see the world burn, at least have the decency to say so.

A very Shark Look

A common prejudice against teachers is that we have so much free time, because a lot of people think that school holidays = teacher holidays and end of schoolday = end of workday. Sure, people do see my car parked all snug and safe at 2 pm, they don’t see me sitting at my desk at 10 pm. Same with the holidays: not only is it the time when we’re reducing our overtime, it’s also grading and preparation time. Not to mention that nobody cares if you are sick during that time, the grading is still expected.

But here still is some free time left so I used my new work area to get something done I bought the material for last year: A shark hoodie. We absolutely love sharks. Dolphins, those guys are assholes, but sharks? Cool!

Side view of a woman wearing a hoodie with a shark fin on top and eyes on the side

©Giliell, all rights reserved

3/4 front view of the woman in the hoodie. You can see the shark teeth in the hood

©Giliell, all rights reserved

Actually I’ll claim that this is medically necessary as my neck should be kept warm and nothing is cozier than a hoodie.

Pumpkin Mustard

I am taking the vaccination against Covid and flu rather badly this year. The vaccines had to be staggered by a week and a half because the delivery of the flu vaccine was delayed. After each shot, first, my arm hurt for three days like I was kicked by a mule and after that subsided, I was tired, depressed, and had an elevated temperature in the afternoon for over a week. I had a lot of work to do but I managed very little.

Those issues notwithstanding, I would like to share a recipe for pumpkin mustard, one of those things I have done with this year’s insane harvest. I did use one of the hokkaido squash that I wrote about previously. Hokkaido has firm flesh with a rich yellow color and is thus superbly suitable for this.

© Charly, all rights reserved. Click for full size.

I put the following ingredients into the pot:

  • 2 kg of finely grated pumpkin flesh
  • 2 finely minced white peppers (for spicier mustard one can use hot peppers, goat horn peppers, or even chillis if you feel suicidal)
  • 100 ml of vinegar
  • 250 ml of cooking oil (in my case sunflower oil)
  • 120 g of sugar
  • 60 g of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of white pepper (added because it is milder in taste than black pepper and also is not visible in the finished product, optional)
  • 5 tablespoons of soy sauce
  • 2 tablespoons of fresh shroomce (optional, 1 spoon of Worchester sauce can be used for spicier taste, I don’t like Worchester sauce that much)

I started to slow cook it under the lid until all the pumpkin pieces softened and started to break apart. Once that happened I added three 180 g glasses of storebought french mustard and mixed and shredded it thoroughly with food mixer into a smooth paste. If you are hardcore on self-made, you can use mustard seeds and not mustard.

© Charly, all rights reserved. Click for full size.

I did mix it really thoroughly until it was smooth. I then carefully and slowly evaporated some water until it had an appropriate consistency when cooled. It did not take too long, hokkaido pumpkin is not too watery.

I put the finished product into small screw-top jars which I subsequently sterilized at 80°C for 20 minutes and then opened and closed when hot to form a proper vacuum seal. I made enough mustard to last me for several years, and from experience I know that it can last for several years in the cellar.

© Charly, all rights reserved. Click for full size.

Since this is a rather special product as far as I am concerned, I went through the trouble of designing and printing labels. One glass failed to form a proper vacuum seal so I put it in the refrigerator for immediate consumption. It is delicious, although I will add a little bit more spices next time, possibly more white pepper and maybe a touch more vinegar. That is a long way off though, like I said, this batch should last for at least two years.

Back to the Cutting Table


Did you hear that, when I finally finished? I just completed a major project on my journey to a less cluttered house (which is all part of our devious plan to get a dog).

My office/sewing room is a pretty big room with a large window front. My desk and my sewing table stand at a right angle to the windows, what is left of the walls has bookshelves and cupboards and some chests of drawers. This leaves a pretty big space in the middle, which got constantly more and more cluttered. No crafty person has ever enough storage space, neither does any teacher, and the combination is a lot. Any attempt at cleaning up was doomed to fail since I didn’t have any storage space.

I finally got fed up and decided to do something about it. Especially since the master plan is to get the house into a state where it’s possible to add a fluffy four legged family member to the mayhem. The idea was to take some chests of drawers the right height to work on them standing, out them back to back with some space in between, and then add two desk tops to make one big surface.

Problem 1: the Ikea Malm chests either come in 80cm (too low) or 100 cm (too high). I finally went for the 80 cm and added feet, which was no easy feat, since Ikea furniture is not made for “unauthorised” changes. We had to add some pieces of wood with some metal angles to create enough surface to add the hardware store feet. Halfway through I was like “fuck that shit, we’ll return the one chest we haven’t opened yet and get kitchen cupboards, they come with feet, but then I saw the price tag and decided, I could stick with my original plan.

Problem 2: The original plan was to create a surface of 1.6m x1.6m. While this fitted, it made the room too cramped. We finally decided on 1.4×1.6. Now the ready made desk tops were too large and need to be returned. It wanted to buy some solid wood panels, but they absolutely don’t come in the sizes I need. I’d have to buy 4 pieces of  40cm x 200cm  and then have 60 cm cut off each panel. This seemed like a lot of waste, plus it would cost another 150€, so I decided on two laminated boards that would fit in between, which leads us to ….

Problem 3: The Malm chests are pressed flake boards where you have little chance of adding a decent screw. In the end we glued and screwed some strips to the backsides of the chests so the boards can rest on top. At this point I was ready to throw everything out of the window. This works, kind of, but I think I’ll have to bite the bullet and buy those wood panels. In the end, it just took 4 more days to clean everything up, but look at this!

View of the two chests of drawwers, with the sewing table in the background

©Giliell, all rights reserved

I finally have the possibility to clean up, let’s hope it stays that way.

Just Beets

I do not like pickled red beets, and neither does my father. But my mother likes them so I sown two packets of seed into one bed about 3×1,5 m. They did not look like much for most of the summer but like the pumpkins, they took off in August rather spectacularly. I was expecting a harvest of about 6 kg, I got 18.

© Charly, all rights reserved. Click for full size.

There were some impressive specimens in there, but there was also a lot of vole damage. About half the roots were gnawed on, some almost completely eaten. I would prefer if those fuckers were at least systematic in their damage and ate the whole root before starting to nibble on another. It is a lot more work to process a damaged root.

Even so, the harvest was significant and I just spent three whole days mostly working on this. We only have one pressure cooker and some beets were so big that they took up most of the space inside so it was almost non-stop boiling. My mother then peeled them and chopped them up to her preferred size and we canned them.

© Charly, all rights reserved. Click for full size.

It was a lot of work for little financial gain since pickled beets are fairly cheap. Financially, we would be actually losing money on this if I had better use of my time. But I don’t so my mother now has two-years worth of beets to snack when she wants to.

This does bring up a thing that has been on my mind a lot lately. I looked up some gardening things on YouTube and as it is, the algorithm started to recommend a lot of gardening videos all of a sudden. Some of them are good and I am always happy to learn, some are entertaining but not worth much, and some are downright fraudulent and/or stoopid (like pretending to grow a banana plant from banana peel).

It seems that there is a big fad going around about self-sufficiency and sustainability and these beets are a prime example of why that is simply not possible for most people.

I have over thirty years of experience in gardening and I have a huge garden (over 1500 ㎡). I also have very poor and rocky soil in my garden, and slugs, and water voles. But even if I had the best chernozem there is, and ideal pest control (cats, btw, do not usually hunt water voles, though their presence does deter them a bit), I could not be self-sufficient even if I did nothing else. Because whilst I can pull sometimes really impressive harvests even with the poor soil I have, and I could have rabbits, a goat, and/or poultry to eat the non-edible parts of plants and grass and slugs, etc. there is still one thing that can throw a stick into the spokes that is completely unpredictable and uncontrollable – the weather.

I wrote about how bad things looked in the summer this year. Some crops bounced back, some didn’t – very little onions and garlic, almost no strawberries (although that was intentional), no nuts, and no tree fruit whatsoever. And that is how things always go in small-scale growing. I can grow in a good year enough of some specific crop to last more than one year, but never the full spectrum and if it can’t be reliably preserved, it is waste anyway. To grow a full, balanced diet reliably, large-scale growing and, more importantly, trade over large-ish distances, are necessary.

The Great Disapotatoment

For the last few years, I have regularly grown three potato varieties – Marabel, Esme, and Dali. All three performed reasonably well, and I had some spectacular harvests. You may remember my last year’s experiment with growing potatoes under grass clipping, without tilling the soil. From less than one kg of tiny potatoes, I got approximately 40 kg of reasonably sized ones so I decided to try the same thing on a large scale, i.e. on my 40 m2 vegetable patch. I bought 10 kg of seeding potatoes from each of the above-mentioned varieties. I also planted again a mixture of all three varieties in the form of tiny potatoes left over from the previous year.

In the pictures here are all the potatoes from the main patch, not those from the secondary one.

First Marabel, a yellow variety with pale, whiteish flesh.

© Charly, all rights reserved. Click for full size.

This variety started to sprout first and thus was the most negatively damaged by the late frost. I got about 36 kg of potatoes fit for storage and about 6 kg of damaged potatoes that had to be processed straight away.

Then Esme, red potatoes with bright yellow yet floury flesh.

© Charly, all rights reserved. Click for full size.

These sprouted later and the plants did not look all that impressive, but there were more seeding potatoes in the 10 kg than of the previous variety, they were smaller. I got about 71 kg suitable for storage and again circa 6 kg that had to be processed immediately.

And lastly, Dali, a yellow variety with bright yellow, firm flesh.

© Charly, all rights reserved. Click for full size.

© Charly, all rights reserved. Click for full size.

With this variety, the seedling potatoes were smaller too and thus there were more of them. I harvested approximately 61 kg fit for storage and about 8 kg to process immediately. It was also this variety that gave me the biggest potato of this year, an 850 g chunk.

© Charly, all rights reserved. Click for full size.

The overall harvest was thus circa 168 kg for storage and circa 20 kg of potatoes that had to be processed immediately (and those 20 kg are weighed after they were processed and all the waste thrown out btw). In the end, approximately 190 kg was harvested from 30 kg of seeding potatoes. Enough to meet all our needs for the next six months and we will have to spend a significant amount of time during winter to dehydrate or otherwise conserve them because we certainly won’t manage to eat them all before the weather starts to warm and they start sprouting. The cellar is rather cramped.

© Charly, all rights reserved. Click for full size.

So why I am not completely satisfied with the result?

Firstly from 30 kg of seeding potatoes, I would need to harvest at least 250 kg to be satisfied and 300 kg to be impressed. I estimated earlier that about 20 % of my potato patch was heavily damaged by the late frost, and that now appears to be a really good estimation – those 20 % are approximately what is missing to reach the desired 250 kg.

Secondly, an occasional impressive specimen notwithstanding, most of these potatoes are really small and quite a lot of them are partially green so there will be a lot of waste even from those in storage (and I will have to take care to ventilate the cellar properly to avoid build-up of noxious gasses). This is in part due to the used method – I did not have quite enough grass to cover the whole patch with a thick enough layer and as I mentioned previously, I lost some of that grass to strong winds in dry weather shortly after I planted the potatoes. As a result, they were partially exposed to the sun and that is not good. Partially green potatoes are edible, but all the green stuff needs to be cut away and thus I can expect about 5 to 10% waste. It is a thing to consider when trying this method in the future again.

Thirdly, that over 10% were so badly damaged by pests – voles and insects – is a bad sign. One of the reasons for trying the no-till method of growing potatoes was to prevent impaling a significant portion on the fork or cutting them with the plow. When growing potatoes the traditional way, I had higher yields and less pest damage.

Fourthly, I had a higher-than-usual amount of tiny potatoes under 2 cm – an estimated 10 kg. Normally those can be carefully washed and fried/baked with skin and eaten whole. But this year most of them are partially green so they are useless – they are too small to peel and cut off the green stuff and too green to eat whole. I will plant some next year, but the truth of the matter is, they are mostly waste.

As far as labor savings go, it was significantly less work to both plant and harvest them. I cannot complain about that at all, even though it was still a lot of work and after three days of picking, washing, drying, and weighing potatoes I was completely knackered.

In conclusion, the no-till method of growing potatoes has its plusses but significant pitfalls too. The potatoes are more susceptible to both weather and pests and tend to produce a lot of greens.

I will probably plow the patch now to mix in the old grass and the charcoal I added in the spring. Next year it will be peas, onions, and beans all around. I will cover a part of the lawn with grass clippings again to plant the leftover green and tiny potatoes in the spring, but I won’t be buying proper seeding potatoes next year. And the year after that, when I grow potatoes in the main patch again, I will probably return to the traditional method to get a higher yield from fewer seedings.