So Sweet.

I love Mourning Doves, they are beautiful, and their song is soothing. I’ve missed them. We used to have a large number of them on property, then the Eurasian Collared Doves moved in. This year, the Mourning Doves have finally come back. Over the years, I’ve enjoyed how calm and responsive Mourning Doves are to shutter clicks. They are very curious about them, and often responsive. I hope we have Mourning Doves nesting on property once again. Zenaida macroura. All photos are 1500 x 996, click for full size.




© C. Ford. All rights reserved.

Photographing the Real Barack Obama.

Hat tip to Opus. Amazing, wonderful photos of our president, taken by Pete Souza.

Feb 2016 – Obama touches the face of three-year-old Clark Reynolds, in one of Souza’s most moving photographs.

Feb 2016 – Obama touches the face of three-year-old Clark Reynolds, in one of Souza’s most moving photographs.


Oct 2009 – The president jostles with congressmen during a basketball game at the White House.

Oct 2009 – The president jostles with congressmen during a basketball game at the White House.

More photos and full article here.

Nearly Winter at 35 Degrees South.

From Lofty, garden pics. There’s a good number of them, so I’ll be posting them over several days. All photos are 1500 x 996, click for full size.

Around here autumn and winter are important parts of the growing season, the European exotics drop their leaves while the rest of the plants get busy. I put the old manual 80-200 macro zoom lens back on the Pentax Kx to get some close ups.


Carpet of Leaves. © Lofty.


Elder Bush and Naked Nest. © Lofty.


Lemon. (Seriously delicious looking!) © Lofty.

Stay tuned for more.