The Walk, Part 1.

Yesterday, after sleeping quite late, I had enough time to wander into the communal area, snag some coffee, and cozy up to the council fire. Everyone started moving to the main camp road, and Rick was off, giving another walking stick, so I went walking too. People were walking (and some driving) the 20 miles to the site of the desecration. When Rick tried to find me and didn’t, he thought “crazy woman of mine, she’s probably walking, and ran a long way to catch up. Crazy man of mine. Lots and lots of photos here, and this is the walk to, not the full walk. (Click da images for full size.) In the 2nd photo, over to the left, you can see Joan Baez still hanging, and she went on the walk. In the 7th photo, the elder in the gray T-shirt leading is the elder of the Tonoho O’odham runners, who ran 1500 miles to join us.

I want to take some time to address someone who was being very idiotic, ignorant, and disrespectful in a thread over at Pharyngula. This person wanted to know if there were photos of the sacred sites before they were bulldozed, because there wasn’t any evidence they were actually there, and this was probably just a story people made up. All the land in these photos alone, and much more, is history. These are history books, so to speak. I have given photos, so to that person, I say, can you read the history that is there? Just because you cannot read that history does not mean it doesn’t exist. All history is not contained inside the texts that colonialists wrote. Little history is there at all. This is a land where many, many massacres took place. Hundreds upon hundreds of dead. There were no formal, white-type cemeteries set up and built, that is not the way Indigenous people did things. No temples, no cathedrals. That is not the way of this land, of these people. Back then, with massacres happening so often, many ancestors were barely buried, maybe three feet down. Not all of these sites are specifically known, but many are, because of the history carried forward through generations. To that person in the thread, I would ask what did you think you would see? Because nothing they saw would constitute proof in their mind, because they carry no learning, and no understanding. To understand, you need to break yourself out of that colonial box that has commandeered minds all over the land, all over this earth. It’s a greedy, uncaring, disrespectful way of thinking and living, and it is time for all people to break the chains of colonialism. Teach your children the necessity of respect, for all life, for our earth, rather than colonial thinking. This can end, if people care enough.

Someone else in that thread spoke of disliking seeing people in traditional dress, because it made them look like stereotypical Indians. If that sort of idiocy pops up in your head, please, shut up. Ask yourself, do I know an Indian? Do I know anything about their way of life, their culture, their language, or traditions? If you don’t, please, don’t spill ignorance. Ask, learn. We are people who live in this world, who also have thousands of years of culture and tradition with them. In that, we are no different from any other people, except perhaps, in our refusal to lose our traditions.

When we reached the site of the desecration, it was time again to shut down all recorders and cameras. The actual site which was bulldozed is not pictured, it’s up on a hill past the tipis in the last photo. After the Chief spoke, many elders spoke. One of the elders was speaking, and turned about and asked “is there a baby here, a young one? Bring them up” Several people got up and took their very young children to the center of the circle. The elder held one baby girl, and said to everyone there “remember this – today, you are standing in this girl’s past. She will remember this, and she will tell the story of this day, this time, all you standing here. She will tell this story, and her children, and grandchildren will tell this story. We stand in the children’s past, and we must stand strong and right, we are the history of their future.”

I think this is extremely important. It does not matter if you have children, I don’t, but every single one of us, we are all standing in the children’s past. All over the world. We must stand up, we must rise for what is right. We must make our voices strong, we must make a history that is strong and right for all the children to build on, to provide them with a strong and true foundation. This provides the continuing foundation for the next seven generations, and the seven to come after that. All of us adults, we are living history at this moment, and our actions, our words, they will continue on, echoing far into the future. Never think, “oh, there is nothing I can do.” Yes, there is much you can do, right where you are, no matter in the world. Be strong. Stand. Add your voice. Refuse to stay in a colonialist box. Raise your children and grandchildren with a mind to the past and the future, be a bridge. Start a garden, even better, start a community garden. Pull people in, remind them, we are meant to be a community, we are not meant to be isolated and alone. When we are good, we are great, but it must be remembered that that goodness starts with community, with care. Caring for our neighbours, caring for our elders, caring for our young people. Care for the earth, the air, the water, where ever you live. Be a protector, refuse to passively accept the lies, disregard, and disrespect of corporations who do nothing but destroy. We have this strength. We have this power. We have this voice.

There were ceremonies, but I’m not going to speak about them in any detail. The ancestors were honoured. Then we started the walk back to the second site, where there would be more ceremonies, and that will be part 2, tomorrow. I’m a bit shaky today, and back home, because there was a whirlwind in camp yesterday, and I had a tent pole frame slam into my thoracic vertebra at around 40 miles an hour. So, more tomorrow, and I’ll probably think of everything I forgot and meant to write today, yeah? I’m sure I will. :D Oh, for anyone sending supplies out – please, no more plastic utensils or styrofoam cups. Right now, the plastic utensils are being washed, because around a hundred thousand of them are being going through in a week, and while many have been sent off for recycling, we don’t want to be part of the problem in using these things. The major need right now is for wood, and I know that’s something which can’t be sent through the mail. So money is probably best, if you can part with a dollar or two, or blankets and quilts for winter. Thoughts are now on planning for the winter, which is descending quickly. We’ll be taking wood out over the next couple of weeks. For those of you who have things to send, this is where:


Standing Rock Sioux Tribe
attn: Johnelle Leingang
North Standing Rock Ave
Fort Yates, North Dakota, 58538






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More Monday.

So much happened yesterday, so this will be a bit rambling all over. The man in the first photo, Garbanzo, came with a truckload of fresh vegetables from Minnesota, and regaled everyone with Oh Susanna on his fiddle, which put a smile on everyone’s face. Delegations kept coming in, from California and Canada, including Akwesasne (Mohawk), who have started AIM in Canada.  Midnight Express, championship singers, were set up by the council fire, they were here to sing the runners in. Emmet, the 84 soon to be 85 year old runner, couldn’t stay down when they sang, he was up dancing every song.  There were two women poets, very powerful, and a young woman who sang a beautiful song. I wish I had heard her name, but I missed it, but I did hear that a video she did on youtube had a million views. More people from Alberta, Canada came. One woman spoke, and her voice was a river of tears for what is happening in her homeland. A young man, a trader, came and spoke about the native traders who have been working very hard, and caused Energy Transfer and Dakota Access to lose over one billion dollars from their stock. Suicide Squad, Lunatic Fringe, and Bad Company traders in NY were largely responsible, and much thanks went out to them. Yesterday was Leonard Peltier’s birthday, and we all listened to an audio recording from him, 72 years old, and still in prison. This was, as always, great sadness, but Midnight Express sang a Happy Birthday drum song, with everyone joining in, and dancing a round dance for him, and that recording and video will be given to Leonard.

Everyone was waiting for the runners, from the Tohono O’odham. Seven of them, who ran 1500 miles to join us here. They were wearing sacred paint, and requested no video and no photos. The last part of this journey, they were facing heavy winds, which slowed them down a bit. When word came they were running into camp, followed by their singers, people lined the road to cheer them in. The elder spoke, then their singers sang several songs. It was serious cold by that time, so after supper and a while hugging the council fire, we headed off for the night. Today, we walked the 20 miles to the graves which were desecrated, and the 20 miles back, so a bit tired here. More tomorrow.



















Click images for full size. © C. Ford, all rights reserved.

Monday, Monday.

Finally got moved, back in Oglala camp, listened to various speakers and singers this morning, and while standing in line for lunch. Robby Romero sang again, and a Native Hawaiian with an electric ukulele, and Joan Baez. Oh, the one photo is of the sage, cedar, and cansasa (chahn shah shah, tobacco, inner bark of red willow), for prayers and offerings. Heading back to the council area.






Click for full size. © C. Ford, all rights reserved.

Sunday sometime…

Trying to catch up here, when I can get a signal. Ooh, let’s see. Many elders spoke yesterday afternoon and into evening. Rick was back in the kitchen cooking frybread. Emmet (in the yellow shirt) who is 84, soon to be 85, who has been organizing runs all over the world since 1971, to spread the message that we are all related and that all life is sacred, spoke of the many places he has been in the world; and his most memorable run, in 80 below windchill, running with the four-leggeds, wild horses, and how that was such an honor, to be allowed to run with them. Dolores Taken Alive spoke, as one of the oldest residents of Standing Rock, of how it is time for our way of life to become the way of life for all people. Bear Woman spoke of the United States bankruptcy in 1933, and treason against treaties. Youth rallies will be taking place on Tuesday, to get prepared for winter. (We’ll be bringing wood in next week). There are now more flags here than the United Nations. A delegation from Samson Cree from Alberta, Canada was here yesterday, and presented their flag. Solemn people, who are fighting so hard for their land and water. A Haudenosaunee women’s group of singers came into camp, and sang two beautiful songs. A young Apache woman from New Mexico introduced herself yesterday, with a voice full of tears and joy. Robby Romero is here, and he sang Heartbeat. Joan Baez showed up last night, and there was a rap concert which lasted for hours.

A person donated a brand new Toyota truck yesterday, and today, a gorgeous bus pulled in, full of supplies, and with the news the bus was being donated, too! It was roasting hot yesterday, but the winds came up last night, and are still with us. Chill and windy windy today. Oh, also, a huge semi truck came in last night, completely loaded with wood.













Click images for full size. © C. Ford, all rights reserved.

Afternoon: Wambli Oyate!

Okay, wandered back to the council area, took the five walking sticks we brought to donate (ones that Rick had made), and after they were admired, they were taken over to be given to the council members. We decided to stay in the shade of the donation tent for a bit, it’s roasting hot out here today, but there’s a good prairie wind blowing. An elder made offerings in the four directions, as people came in, and people left. Those who have to leave today have been honking and waving and flying flags all the way out of the camp and down the main road, not wanting to leave. We finally shifted ourselves closer to the council fire to hear the latest news. There’s a lot going on legally, with actions planned on the state and federal front. The National Guard is now deployed solely to “protect” the governor, who is so invested in oil, he may as well be made of the stuff. The word came down that martial law training was started in Ft. Carson in Colorado. U.S. Marshals wanted to come into the camp, but they have not been invited. The regular cops want nothing to do with us.










THEN, everyone in the council area started pointing and making noises, wambli oyate (eagle people) was overhead, and hovered over the council fire a while, then flew off into the sun – everyone was standing and following his flight, then everyone there went up to get tobacco to make an offering to the wambli oyate. It was an awe and emotion filled moment.






I watched a young girl make her own amusement, and caught some of the kites as we came back to our camp.




Click images for full size. © C. Ford, all rights reserved.


Good morning. Woke up, got the dogs out of their tent, and watered. Wandered off for coffee and some breakfast, eggs, oatmeal, banana and watermelon. Listened to a man sing a song to the day, then wandered back to our camp out in the hills. Off to go find the horse race now!






Click images for full size. © C. Ford, all rights reserved.

Sunday Camp.

Some shots from yesterday, actually, when I couldn’t get a connection to post. A tipi was set up by the communal area for everyone to sign. I think another one is going to be needed! I found a small space for our name. Then there was squash drying, off behind the kitchens. We had a wonderful corn and potato soup yesterday, and now it’s time to search out coffee, I think I want about a gallon. :D







Click images for full size. © C. Ford, all rights reserved.

Saturday Camp.

Oh, man, it’s camp as far as you can see! Okay, starting with the right, then the middle, middle, and left. Didn’t get behind me.





The weather was beautiful, and the sunset was spectacular! The mood in the camps is a good one, but cautious. Everyone’s is still expecting another major thing to drop, because so far, the construction company has been less than honorable, as everyone knows, and while nice noises have been made, no really expects them to stop.









Click images for full size, © C. Ford, all rights reserved.

Back at Camp.


Getting set up. We’re way out now, the camp swelled to about 3 times the size it was when we left on Wednesday. Many more delegations have arrived. It’s amazing! If you can, get here, this is history being made!

Standing Rock: Camp Story, Part 7.

And then…the rain came. No big deal at first, just a bit of rain. It didn’t stay a bit of rain though. People rushed to grab ponchos or trash bags, then went back to getting coffee and breakfast.


Before the rain got serious though, back when I was still sitting around the council fire (pictured above), everyone was having a quiet moment when a thin blonde woman rushed up and sat down two chairs over from me. A reporter of some type, clutching pen and clipboard, began asking questions of the young man next to me. I wasn’t paying much attention, until I heard him talking about Arvol Looking Horse, then I looked over in time to see the young man trying to make a point of spelling Arvol correctly, when she interrupted and hand-waved, saying “I can look it up later.” The disregard and disrespect was shocking, and it showed on faces, but she was oblivious. It was clear that she hadn’t taken so much as five minutes to talk to anyone, or to try and understand what was going on at the camps. Then she started asking the young man questions, attempting to find out who someone was, and she was describing badly, but it was clear to me she was describing Dennis Banks. So, I said “Dennis Banks. That’s Dennis Banks.” She stared up with a rather blank and confused face, and said, but the man kept talking about Dennis Banks. I stared for a moment, nonplussed, as did the others, then explained, “yes, he was talking about the court case, you know, in the ’60s – The United States of America vs Dennis Banks and Russell Means.” Still a somewhat confused look, then she scribbled something down, thanked me profusely and ran off. The quality of media coverage leaves one hell of a lot to be desired, and that’s the very least I could say. Everyone is welcome at the camps, but please, if you’re a completely clueless person, at least listen, don’t be an unconcerned hand-waver. I sincerely hope I don’t see Ms. Blonde I can look it up later again. Okay, back to the rain!




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Standing Rock: Camp Story, Part 6.


Finally, we arrive at Wednesday morning. Like most people, we arose with the sun, more or less, joining the other sleep dusted people wandering about and waking up. A woman drove by in her tiny car, packed full, steering with one hand, brushing her teeth with the other. Curls of woodsmoke lazily drifted from banked fires. We went off in pursuit of coffee. Started to feel a bit more woke, and took the second cuppa over to the circle of chairs around the council fire. Sat and listened to people talk, and it wasn’t long before Travis Harden stopped by, and regaled us with a groaningly awful joke, which got boos and laughs. Some new people came and sat, and we talked about where they were from, and other things. Rick decided to grab his walking stick and go walkabout. I’m kind of hard to move from that fire, especially in the morning. It’s nice there, and people come and go, you get to meet all kinds of people, talk, and have fun. Rick got back in time for oatmeal with raisins, while I continued to drink coffee like I had never tasted it before. The clouds got heavier, and it was a bit chill, so we went back to camp to get warmer clothes, then I went on walkabout with Rick. We had a nice meander by the banks of the Cannon Ball river, saw gumweed, licorice, and more, and said a good morning to the grasshoppers.





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Standing Rock: Camp Story, Part 5.

Picking up where we left off in Part 4, twilight was descending, and people were lining up for buffalo, squash, and hominy stew and wojapi. Word had rippled through camp that Jill Stein had been up at the construction site where the protectors were, and was coming to the camp to speak. The council fire was stoked to a blaze. The clouds were beautiful.





Jill Stein didn’t say anything new, she spoke of the need to break our dependence on oil, the need to focus on other forms of energy, and called on our President to speak up, speak out, and to stand with Standing Rock. Some people might not know that President Obama and the First Lady visited the people of Standing Rock in 2014, and greatly enjoyed that visit, so it has been a bitter hurt, the silence emanating from the Capitol. That is not all the silence. The silence echoes from every point. As I noted earlier in comments:

As for Jill Stein, she was at the construction site where the protectors are during Tuesday afternoon, and she came to speak at the camp that evening, I was there. Think I got pictures, too. People can say whatever they want about her, and I know there’s bad things, but she’s the only one to show up.

And to add, Indian Country everywhere has a long history of voting democrat (yeah, there are a few repubs), but people are losing faith almost completely in democrats, because none of them will stand up, none of them stand with us. The president remains silent. The Clintons? Silent. Tim Kaine? He needs more info.

Bernie Sanders made noises of support, but he hasn’t been here. We have elders in their 80s who are making very long journeys to come and stand. What’s the excuse of all our so-called representatives?

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