
  1. Ice Swimmer says

    I feel that the fight will be a dirty one, the enemy is already some way in that direction.

  2. Nightjar says

    Wow, Caine. Those cancer cells trying to stick to you… this is a very powerful and visual depiction of what it means to fight cancer. And I see there will be more stuff on the left side, can’t wait to see this one finished.

  3. says

    Ice Swimmer, cancer is always a dirty fight, and cancer cells are utterly remarkable in their ability to evolve and adapt. In this respect, I’m lucky, colon cancer is not generally an aggressive cancer, but that doesn’t really make you feel a hell of a lot better.

    Nightjar, thank you. I think the left will be more the effects of cytotoxins, at least I’m leaning that way. Don’t quite have the full visual in my head yet.

    Anne, thank you so much.

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