It seems there’s no shortage of white idiots who think the solution to everything is “Moar Babies!” We can add sociopath Paul Ryan to the heap of baby idiots.
“People — this is going to be the new economic challenge for America. People,” Ryan said, in response to a question about entitlement reform.
Alluding to the fact that he’s a father of three, Ryan added, “I did my part, but we need to have higher birth rates in this country. Meaning, baby boomers are retiring, and we have fewer people following them in the work force.”
“We have something like a 90 percent increase in the retirement population in America, but only a 19 percent increase in the working population in American,” the Speaker continued. “So what do we have to do? Be smarter, more efficient, more technology — still going to need more people. And when we have tens of millions of people right here in this country falling short of their potential — not working, not looking for a job, or not in school getting a skill to get a job — that’s a problem.”
Here’s a thought, you dipshit – immigrants. Filling the same old age hole they have always filled in this lost country. The reason we have tens of millions of people right here in this country not working, not looking for a job, or not in school is because of all the “policies” you have helped to implement. The current regime is anti-education, and making it more and more difficult for anyone to get skills of any sort. All manner of jobs now demand a college degree, even if you’re going to be a low level grunt getting paid shit. White people are still being told they will have all the BEST jobs, but those jobs aren’t out there. And you think having more babies will somehow magically fix this problem. We’ll assume you mean [middle class] white babies, because you certainly can’t be talking about all those shiftless types living in poverty, who are desperate for the thinnest of safety nets, now can you?
Ryan isn’t alone among male Wisconsin Republicans in believing that women should have more babies for the good of the economy. On the floor of the Wisconsin State Assembly last month, Wisconsin state Rep. Scott Allen (R) argued on behalf of a bill that would prevent health insurance plans for state employees from covering most abortions, saying more births are needed to spur economic growth.
In November, Mr. Allen went further:
Allen then went on to argue that abortion was wrong for economic reasons, essentially saying that all women should be forced to have babies in order to grow the labor market.
“Labor force shortages are tied to population declines. Labor force shortages are a limiting factor in economic growth,” Allen said. “And limited economic growth poses a problem when government tries to pay for public services and infrastructure. In spite of this Mr. Speaker, ironically, the democrats continue their effort to support the abortion industry.”
Emphasis mine. Y’know, we can talk labour shortages when there’s actual labour to to be done. The small circle of people who have money in this country are terrified of one slim cent slipping out of their overstuffed pockets, so they have moved any required labour out of this country. No one here actually wants to pay workers much anymore, because so far, most Americans aren’t quite ready to agree to intense labour for around ten dollars a week. Probably won’t be long before things reach that point though. In the meantime, I expect you can fully see people with uteruses guarding them ferociously, and deciding for themselves if they do or don’t want to breed. Most people aren’t overly crazy about the idea of breeding with no resources, since people tend to get silly ideas when they have sprogs, like wanting things to be better for them.
If They hadn’t cut all that science funding, we could be in a Brave New World by now.
Growing the workforce in bottles and leaving the women out of it.
Hey, Paul Ryan, if you want more babies (by which I assume you mean white babies), have them yourself. My baby-making days are long over, and my offspring aren’t remotely interested in producing any. And no, I don’t care if they ever “give me grandchildren”. Seeing the offspring happy in their lives and careers is more than good enough.
I think these dolts would be shocked that forcing large numbers of low education, low income people to have even more children doesn’t improve the economy or their “live off the labor of the young” retirement plan in quite the manner they hope for. Even if every family really did consist of two heterosexual people of opposite genders with the male one working and the female one at home, there’s only so many children one person can support on minimum wage, two jobs, or three, or no.
Over and over the evidence shows that what does improve the economy, from a labor standpoint, is A) control of one’s own fertility, especially for women and other PwU B) access to education C) access to adequate employment for living wages D) controlled cost of living.
In a world where I was queen, every GOP member of the government would have to spend their first year in office cleaning toilets or working for McDonald’s without access to any of their assets. Then and only then they’d be allowed to have input on policy.
I’d make that five years, and they’d have to support their families on that income too, and try to figure out how to get health insurance with no benefits. And their jobs would have to be flex time, so they would not be able to do a full 40 or qualify for any benefits whatsoever. But I’m evil.
It’s a good thing right wingers aren’t terribly keen on reading.
@Caine #4: Oh yes, we are in agreement. No assets, no wiggle room, no support from outside, feed your happy ass on these wages period end of statement good luck paying your kids’ private school, your cleaning service, health insurance, and your 8K a month mortgage. Oh, it’s not enough, Senator? A night shift at Denny’s should clear your money woes right up. No you can’t have food stamps, if the kids are hungry give them your shift meal or hey you could plant a garden and tend it while you work doubles 7 days a week, no you can’t ride in your friend’s personal plane to get to the really important meeting, take Greyhound. What, that means you’ll miss a week of work and lose your jobs? Tough shit. New jobs are really easy to come by, right?
I also feel evil today.
That image is creepy.
That mindset beats it easily.
How about we re-classify the bottom 50% on the wealth ladder in the US as the children of the top 1%, then require all the happy new parents to support their new offspring financially to the same tune as any existing ones?
I don’t think they’d learn anything that way, Cartomancer.
I don’t think anyone should be allowed to be a politician until they had been through the Caine Five Year programme. There are far too many MPs and other politicians in the UK who did PPE at university then interned in an MP’s office, then got parachuted into a safe seat without ever having experienced the struggles of living on benefits or even just a low wage.
But I also think there should be a universal basic income funded by a tax on the wealthy (not just the 1%) and you would only have to work if you wanted more than it would cover. That tax would lso cover properly funded education and health serices as well as a nationalised public transport sysem.
I’m especially pissed off right now about transport, the Tories really fucked up our rail system by privatising it, well a few years back the company running the East Coast Mainline handed back the franchise as they couldn’t make money on it and for a while it was run by the state. It made money (shock horror!!!) money that went straight into the public purse, but the Tories couldnt have that so they sold it off again and what do you know Virgin can’t make a profit on it so we will be subsidising them to run it. Uff.
“Politician” is a vastly overpaid job. I’d settle for every politician everywhere being stripped of that pay, and being put on minimum wage. Y’think we’d see a change of mind over the whole minimum wage thing?
Only if they didn’t have access to their family trusts …
Jazzlet, absolutely. There would be a freezing of all their assets, because those would be based on that serious overpayment. No funds whatsoever outside their working wage.
The Neo-Lebensborn movement at its finest.
Thank goodness I’ve had my tubes tied. This makes me wish I had them out altogether. Makes me worry about options for my sprog in the future.
Of course, this is standard white supremacist talk and popular authoritarian propaganda stumping.