Once a self-described stalwart protector of Medicare, Mittens has pulled one his characteristic spine-snapping flip-flops and now wants to deprive millions of Americans of the benefits we paid for: [Read more…]
Once a self-described stalwart protector of Medicare, Mittens has pulled one his characteristic spine-snapping flip-flops and now wants to deprive millions of Americans of the benefits we paid for: [Read more…]
Unemployment extensions expire at the end of this year, along with the Bush tax cuts, and it’s a near metaphysical certainty that conservatives will hold the former hostage to benefit the same zillionaires we bailed out: [Read more…]
This what the titans of Wall Street have wrought through the use of nifty derivatives like Credit Default Swaps. I’ll explain one interesting, catastrophic feature of those items below the fold. Meanwhile the government of Greece is falling apart: [Read more…]
Google may be the new antichrist, what with their brazen slicing and dicing of data collected by their own search engine. Those devils! But here’s what the evil Googliati found when comparing online searches for the Teaparty and Occupy Wall Street movements: [Read more…]
Update on Twitter: @northoaklandnow: #OccupyOakland events heating up: protesters are trying to take down the Broadway and 14th Street barricade!
Update on Twitter: RT @occupyoakland: The plaza is open now, people are starting gather. The grass is fenced off. Everyone com… (cont) http://deck.ly/~wAZQ4
I got word of the Oakland tragedy via Greg Laden, and then found this clip below which I had to watch several times to believe. It clearly shows a police officer throwing a concussion grenade into a small group which gathered to help get a critically injured man slumped on the pavement to the emergency room. How is this motherfucker still free on the street, let alone allowed to wear a police uniform and carry a loaded weapon? [Read more…]
If the Teaparty was worried Occupy Wall Street would steal their grassroots thunder, they may have been right. The same poll showing Barack Obama out in front of the GOP frontunners demonstrates OWS has swiftly surpassed the Teaparty in popularity, by a factor greater than two, summed up here by Daily Kos: [Read more…]