ACA exchanges maybe coming soon to a website near you

In a few weeks there are these public databases called exchanges which states were supposed to set up. Ideally, one state, one exchange, handled by that state’s department of insurance. This is what the landing page of the exchange in New Mexico may look like when it’s up and running.

The exchanges are the more visible implementation of the Affordable Care Aact, aka Obamacare, including some of the parts people care most about, like subsidizing and covering everyone of every income level. Obamacare will be handled mostly under the HHS. The exchanges are state-created mega-websites used to educate, compare and enroll residents of that state into healthcare policies found there. [Read more…]

I see half-dead people

There’s something I’ve been wanting to ask you guys: what happens at local US med facilities starting around midnight on Jan 1, 2014? Because I see a rag-tag mob of sick and injured people walking, even staggering into ERs and waiting rooms by the millions. Like Dawn of the Half-dead: The Real Horror Story. [Read more…]

Town-halls are not going quite like they hoped

There are Christian Reconstructionists, science deniers, and a host of other oddballs controlling the House these days, but there’s one forum they don’t control. In town-hall after town-hall, the discussion is turning to healthcare. Only this time, those demanding the gubmint keep its hands off their Medicare are in low supply. Instead, people are asking what the GOP would do to replace Obamacare or some of the life saving provisions in it. So far their only consistent response is to evade and lie and get booed: [Read more…]

The rupture of the plaque

The video above gives you basic understanding of the complex and morbidly fascinating pathology of arterial deposition and the role played by inflammation. But there’s more, as explained to be my cardiologist yesterday: substances such as a nicotine and other drugs, or even a good scare can lead to what’s called a plaque rupture and once that happens the next stop on the line a few moment down the road can include sudden cardiac arrest. [Read more…]

I’ll be on the air shortly

Technology notwithstanding, I’ll be on the air at Daily Kos radio with Kagro in the Morning and guest Dr Greg Dworkin. This show streams live and it can be downloaded for podcast. If you want to listen live, my scheduled time is 9:15 –  10 AM Eastern, and I have a lot to cover. The link below usually works, but I’ll have another page linked if you have issues with other options.

Can’t see the Flash player? Click here to download the stream directly.

[Read more…]

I have reached and surpassed my goal, many, many thanks!

Thank you all from the bottom of my healing heart. I have reached what I need and even have a little cushion. All told FtB readers generously pitched in several hundred dollars, easily covering the shortfall caused by the inevitable delay of a badly needed short term disability check and then some. That check didn’t come again today, so sure enough, your donations made the difference. I was able to get my critical meds refilled and go to cardiac rehab because of you. Thank you all so much! I am really touched, last night when those emails started showing up I had to wipe away some tears.

I will never, ever, let anyone ever tell me again that atheists can’t possibly have a sense of right and wrong, or that we lack morals or empathy because we don’t believe in super natural beings, after this. Even if I have to be a little bit rude about it. I just won’t tolerate it ever again.

I’ll be on Kagro in the Morning tomorrow, Thursday, discussing science and anti-science, heart healthy month and if time permits the ACA, better known as Obama care. Times will be announced and linked tomorrow at 8 AM Central time here on this site!

Yesterday I was near desperate, today I’m saved


UPDATE: Guys and Gals, I’m fighting off tears in my eyes as I write this, Just over a hundred bucks more now, and even if we don’t get it, the donations so far are enough that I’m basically saved the humiliation and risk that had me so freaked out. I’m going to leave this up through mid-morning, while I go to cardio rehab, and I’m sure that will do it. I can’t thank you enough, my stress level is dropping noticeably. I’ll announce as soon as we hit the target. Thank you all so much!

I’m just going to keep this short and sweet: I need several hundred dollars to cover some medical expenses from a massive unplanned heart attack I suffered last month. If that’s all you need to know you can donate here, StevenAndrew-at-Paypal. Any amount no matter how small is greatly appreciated. Email address of the account is DarkSydOThemoon -at- domain A.O.L plus the dot and the com if you’re set up that way.

I have great health insurance, I loaded up on extra insurance including extra short-term disability insurance out of my own pocket. That disability is enough for me to live on and it has been approved. I’ve literally been told the first check is now in the mail. But I haven’t had a pay check in over a month now, I’m tapped out from constant  deductibles which started anew this year, big copays for heart surgery and MD support staff, plus hospital stay, follow-up appointments with a cardiologist and a rheumatologist — the autoimmune inflammatory condition provides significant risk of serious complications and had to be treated with Humira and other very expensive drugs — and endless Rx copays for all that. I had a bit of an anxiety meltdown today when I realized I don’t even have enough in checking to cover the copays for my appointments, rehab, and meds this week (The two most important meds are called Carvediol and Brilinta respectively if anyone’s interested). That first disability check probably isn’t going to show up this week, and it’s drawn on an out of state bank anyway.

I am so sorry, I feel like a heel, I never thought I would be in this situation, even planned for years and sacrificed to sock money away during better times for years and years.  But I don’t know what else to do. I sure don’t want to depend on my 84-year-old retired father, his health is declining and he’s done enough for me over the last two  years. But those meds and those appointments are absolutely critical. If I’m wrong and the checks hit tomorrow or Thurs, I may be able to offer to reverse some of the donations. But for now I’m beyond worried, I’m scared and desperate.