Greenland’s glaciers speed up

Ice floats. That’s fortunate, because if frozen water was denser than liquid, earth would be a very different world. Ice would build up at the bottom of the sea until only a thin surface ocean would be left, perhaps only seasonal at that, affecting climate in dramatic ways. But floating ice combined with warmer temperatures can also cause glaciers to speed up. Moulins form more often and earlier, lubricating the interface between ice and land below and buoying up the ice sheet. That now seems to be happening in Greenland: [Read more…]

Role of aerosols in global temperatures confirmed

When you look at that NASA GISS graph of temperature stations, one features jumps out: the flat-line beginning around WW2 and extending through the 70s. For awhile climatologists have suspected that was caused by relatively short-lived particulates that block/reflect sunlight, produced en masse by a big jump in industrialization for war production at the end of the Great Depression, perhaps aided by lots of burning cities and countryside. A new study confirms this: [Read more…]

Us anti-science liberals have been taken to task by a brave anonymous emailer

Given the current anti-science jubilee going on among wingnut foot soldiers on the orders of their ignorant field commanders, you wouldn’t think they’d make a fuss about science. But you’d be wrong. One bold, fearless, anonymous member of the Keyboard Komanndos is mad as hell and they’re not gonna take it anymore! [Read more…]

Spring heat wave settles in on US and Canada

A huge, lingering ridge of high pressure over the eastern half of the United States brought summer-like temperatures to North America in March 2012. Image courtesy NASA/EO.

A spring heat wave shattered records across the US and Canada this month and some researchers worry it could be a symptom of sizzling summers and active hurricane seasons for the next few years. And that could be just the tip of the vanishing iceberg: [Read more…]

The Goldilocks zone and fairy tale earth

The primeval earth and smoggy sky with an enormous crescent moon at twilight as they may have appeared a mere billion years after formation.

Read an old astronomy text and you might see mention of a Goldilocks zone, the distance between the earth and sun, where the blessed earth is not too hot and not too cold. More recent work has shown this is a modern day fairy tale, the early earth was actually too far away. By rights the oceans should have been solid ice, the earth a lifeless, barren snowball. But it wasn’t. A new study confirms one big reason why the earth stayed so unseasonably warm early on: [Read more…]

What we learned from James Inhofe on the Rachel Maddow show (Video/text update)

Update 3/16/12: Joe Romm weighs in at Climate Progress

James Inhofe has a book to sell, and God-eh might be on the side of Big Oil, but Inhofe’s book will have to sell itself with no help from the Divine. So the deluded senator from Oklahoma will be making the media rounds in search of a few more shekels to pad his quarter million a year salary and luxury health-care plan courtesy of the US taxpayer. Which explains how he ended up behind enemy lines Thursday on MSNBC’s the Rachel Maddow show. [Read more…]