Hell hath no fury like anti-science numbskulls. Dr Pepper had the audacity to put up an image riffing on the famous ape to man chart that adorned our biology classrooms back in the 60s and 70s, and they were quickly swarmed by know-nothing-bots. But then our side, the good guys, counter attacked! Now the battle rages on! Serve your cause, join the Facebook fray, selected comments and links below:
Link — Then why have the old laws? To show what not to do? To show that god was a cranky old man who goes through bipolar extremes? Maybe the creation story was changed as well? Anyways, stop getting pissed off. To quote some friends “The day a Dr. Pepper ad makes you mad is the day you might want to rethink the whole reason you are mad” (paraphrased Smartass Atheist Guild)
Young Earth Creationist reasoning: “I am a despicable, filthy sinner who deserves to burn in hell for eternity, and I have no power to fix this situation because I’m so depraved and fallen, due to a sin committed thousands of years before my birth by the first man, who was made from dirt. But don’t you dare insult me by saying my ancestors were apes!”
Who is this Dr. Pepper, always waving his elitist degree in our faces? I much prefer Mr. Pibb, he’s a real common man who doesn’t need to go to some liberal ivory-tower indoctrination center.
Sorry, creationist. It’s not an insult but a fact. Your ancestors were apes – extinct form of apes rather than a gorilla or a chimpanzee.
I agree, Francine :)
[brownfrothymix] The elite, smart colas will never be on our side. [/brownfrothymix]
Y’know, given the subject matter, I probably shouldn’t have used Santorum’s nickname just now. The imagery just completely put me off of Dr. Pepper.
sunsangnim @1 – Mr. Pibb better the Dr. Pepper? Really? Dr. Pepper has the credentials as an expert of pepperology while Mr. Pibb is just a common “Joe 6-pack”. Mr. Pibb may be a jack-of-all trades but a master in none.
From the same company that brought you the super-macho, “It’s not for women” campaign? Part of me hopes they lose even more business due to this, even if the reason is so bizarre.
Does anyone remember Gary Larson’s take on this poster? The penultimate man is a muscular and handsome Tarzan type figure holding a spear. Modern man is a short fat bloke standing at a bus stop holding a briefcase.
I’ve never liked Dr. Pepper, Vimto is an anagram of vomit and I don’t like Coke or Pepsi. Luckily there is Irn-Bru, I’m not sure how well known Irn-Bru is outside Scotland though.
a3kr0n @6-Mr. Pibb better the Dr. Pepper? Really? Dr. Pepper has the credentials as an expert of pepperology while Mr. Pibb is just a common “Joe 6-pack”. Mr. Pibb may be a jack-of-all trades but a master in none.
How do you know his doctorate is even real? Doctor of Pepperology sounds like something they teach at some stupid diploma mill. I demand to see his doctoral dissertation, bet it starts with something stupid, like “Hi, my name is…” An idiot that starts his dissertation like that should be in jail!
It’s Dr Pepper, no period!
This ad makes me happy, I went to college near Dublin where the nectar of life (real cane sugar Dr Pepper) is bottled.
I will always call it Dublin Dr Pepper even though the Corporate Overlords at Cadbury say that they aren’t allowed to call it that any more.
It’s worse than that even. Not only his ancestors but all of his contemporaries are apes, the creationist is an ape, and all of his descendants will be apes too.
Does anyone remember that awesome Heineken commercial from several years ago? I don’t recall any creationist brew-ha-ha over that advertisement.
Scripture tells us that long ago, John Pemberton went into the wilderness of Georgia and behold, he was inspired to formulate the Carbonated draught Of the King’s Elixir.
Elitist pepperologists want to brainwash our children. I say, Teach the Controversy.
Der Pepper?
Sounds German.
Oh, I see what you did there! :P
Dr Pepper, peer review: u’re doing it wrong.
What’s being illustrated here isn’t Evolution. It’s Uplift, which is a form of Intelligent Design. The ad is basically the opening scene of “2001” with the monolith replaced by Dr. Pepper.
Protesting this is the biggest waste of Creationist time since Pokemon (which misused the word “Evolution” to describe Metamorphosis.)