Be skeptical of claims of G-men coordinating goon squads to clear Occupy camps

The Angry Black Lady makes a good point about claims of FBI and DHS collusion on evicting the Occupy encampments:

As far as I can tell, the source for this claim is an article in, which quotes an anonymous Department of Justice official who claims that the multi-city raid of Occupy camps “was coordinated with help from Homeland Security, the FBI and other federal police agencies.”

I used to work for these guys. There’s national examiners and local examiners. The latter focuses on developing bloggers as local new media reporters, anything from science policy like a I wrote about to gossip or astrology, both of which, alas, do rather well. This particular Examiner article was written by a local guy with no track record I can find, citing one anonymous source. He gets paid based on traffic, about half a cent a hit with various twists and qualifications, which is a high rate of pay for any blogger.

One of the great things about the local examiner managers is they mostly leave you alone: which means — and I know this for a fact — editorial control and traditional oversight of sourcing and credibility for young, new, or ambitious bloggers is absolutely non-existent. The writer also has a huge financial incentive to embellish and draw traffic, last I heard, he’s paid roughly a half a cent a hit depending on various factors. The combination of no oversight and a great rate of pay by any standard might be the real story here. That’s not evidence of wrongdoing, but it is food for thought and Sagan’s Axiom applies.

Speaking of stories, the Occupy movement hugely benefits democrats. Especially the WH and powerful legislatures from New York. If I were a right-wing muckraker with decent sources, I’d be sniffing around for reports that Obama or Schumer or whomever are quietly putting pressure on the DHS and FBI to stay the fuck out of it.


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