A new procedure being developed by a doctor in California may turn your brown eyes blue, literally, for $5,000:
Dr. Homer tells KTLA that all brown-eyed people have blue pigment in their irises too — and a quick session under a specially-tuned laser can destroy the melanin in the eye, with the change occurring gradually over two weeks. The procedure can not change blue eyes to brown.
It’s still being tested. And other doctors are skeptical, pointing out the procedure could have unintended consequences and pose risk to vision. Whatareyakiddingme? If this thing works half as well as Doc Homer hopes, he’s gonna become a multimillionaire.
That is just dumb. We all know that brown eyes are better than blue eyes–they are more honest, more trustworthy, and better able to convey emotion. Jesus had brown eyes, Hitler’s were blue.
I think.
Will health insurance pay for the treatment or for the damage?
Hitler had blue eyes? I did not know that. Odin knows we don’t want to be … Hitler!
I thought the whole irony was that the nazis had a hardon for tall blue-eyed blondes while Hitler wad a short brown eyed brunette?
Here I thought that we’d already had that figured out, you know those wacky little things called colored contact lenses. Silly me.
For all their talk of Aryan ideals, none of the Nazi bigwigs really measured up. Not only did Hitler not fit the bill, but Goering was an overweight drug addict, Goebbels had a clubfoot, Himmler wore glasses from a young age…
They did have tall blue-eyed blondes, impressive physical specimens, in Germany, though. Unfortunately, they used them up long before D-Day.