Mittens descends into incoherence on Iraq

In a somewhat strange statement issued by the Romney for not-Romney campaign, Mittens criticizes Obama for getting out of Iraq as promised on the 2008 campaign trail:

“President Obama’s astonishing failure to secure an orderly transition in Iraq has unnecessarily put at risk the victories that were won through the blood and sacrifice of thousands of American men and women,” Romney said in a statement.

Maybe Romney visualizes soldiers hanging out on an embassy rooftop or clinging for dear life on Huey skids. I’m not sure. But the transition sure looks to be pretty damn orderly and most important of all, it hasn’t happened yet. So it’s more than a little puzzling how it could be an astonishing failure already.


  1. DaveL says

    These days, the right-wing propaganda machine doesn’t even bother to wait and see how things turn out before it complains about how badly they turned out. Case in point: the NRA is currently scaring its constituents with a story about how a new U.N. arms trade treaty is going to take away their 2nd amendment rights. The thing is, this treaty doesn’t even exist in draft form yet.

  2. Stevarious says

    Oh, yeah. One day after the election Bush’s recession suddenly became Obama’s recession.

    Oh, no no no, you’ve got it all wrong. You see, it didn’t even become a recession until the day Obama took office. It was just a mild economic downturn before that.

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