
  1. says

    I don’t know, but even the clapping sounds confused. It’s like Cain exudes a weird brand of smug, a righteous certainty-confusion. Where you’re absolutely sure that your mutually exclusive positions are both right.

  2. unbound says


    It looks like he got caught with 2 primary rethuglican memes fighting each other in his head…and he’s not smart enough to understand that the conflict is going.

    Meme 1 – Abortion should be illegal.

    Meme 2 – Government should not interfere in peoples life.

    Then again, this really should be a surprise…he’s not smart enough to understand how stupid the 999 tax is.

  3. says

    Oh no, it’s not contradictory. He is pro-life, anti-abortion, but doesn’t think the government should enforce the prohibition.
    A good follow-up question would have been to ask who would be enforcing the laws in Herman Cain’s America.

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