Defunct solar energy firm raided by FBI

Multiple news sources are reporting the bankrupt solar energy company Solyndra has been subject to a comprehensive search by federal officials:

Two days after the now-defunct, high-profile solar company filed for bankruptcy protection, federal agents swarmed around Solyndra’s campus in Fremont to execute a search warrant and interview laid-off employees. Dozens of FBI agents and investigators from the Department of Energy Office of the Inspector General descended on the four buildings along Kato Road and Page Avenue, which run alongside Interstate 880 as early as 7 a.m.

Despite receiving half a billion in low interest federal loans, the firm closed its doors abruptly last week and sent over a thousand employees home with no explanation or severance pay.
But I’ll wager a guess what happened: the same kind of usual scumbags who ripped off the banking sector for billions got inside this company and promptly worked their magic there too. The bankstas who wrecked the US economy got off scot free, hopefully these crooks will be caught and locked up for life.

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