Libyan Rebels may take Tripoli soon

Looks like the rebels in Libya may be closing in on the capital city, Tripoli in the next few weeks:

Demonstrators on an abandoned T-54/55 tank during a rally in Benghazi. Image courtesy Wiki

The key factor is the bloody battle for Zawiya — an strategically important city just west of Tripoli, engulfed in urban warfare on Tuesday. Rebels have made advances in the south and the east. But if those fighters eventually gain control of Zawiya, that will be a major stride in putting a stranglehold on the Gadhafi-controlled seat of power. “We will be very careful entering Tripoli, which we hope to do by the end of this month,” said Col. Ahmed Banni, military spokesman for the opposition National Transitional Council.

There’s nothing funny about war, one of my colleagues at Daily Kos has family in Libya and his cousin-in-law was killed fighting for the rebels a few months ago. But watching the same apologists who used up gallons of ink and scads of electrons defending Bush’s trillion dollar Iraq blunder now up in arms because the commander in chief is now a democrat has been rather hilarious.

The rebels are going to win of course, everyone knows that, just like they won in Egypt and just like they will win in Syria. It’s just a matter of time. Qadaffi is among the worst terrorists in the world, he’s old, and no one likes him; except possibly the Teaparty Republicans who would love to see what was once referred to as the world’s greatest terrorist come out on top.

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