Someone run and warn Iris: the enemy has stepped up their game.
Someone run and warn Iris: the enemy has stepped up their game.
This is going to be a couple of parts, but I’m going to try to tie them all together, in time. I’ve chosen a “selection plus commentary” approach for these sermons, which means I’m almost certainly going to be dropping spoilers about the future pieces of text. Since it’s philosophy, not thriller fiction, I think that’s OK. On with the sermon:
– Robert Paul Wolff
Politics is the exercise of the power of the state, or the attempt to influence that exercise. Political philosophy is therefore, strictly speaking, the philosophy of the state. If we are to determine the context of political philosophy, and whether indeed it exists, we must begin with the concept of the state.
This clinic is going to be a bit less prescriptive and more theoretical.
Is this the right room for an argument?
We are going to look at a powerful technique for pulling your opponent into a discussion-ending quagmire; it’s the rhetorical equivalent of sneaking off the battlefield under cover of darkness.
This staggers my brain and leaves me flailing around for words. 1% of the population of the planet are refugees.
Creepy homophobic totalitarian Louie Gohmert is concerned about humans being able to repopulate in the event of a species-threatening event.
Thanks, Louie, but maybe you should engage your thinky bits before you try getting all sciency.
Voltaire by Houdon
The epicureans had no religion at all, advised keeping one’s distance from public affairs, study and cooperation.
The Justice Department plans to end its use of private prisons after officials concluded the facilities are both less safe and less effective at providing correctional services than those run by the government.
The names still make us smile: King’s Quest, Gabriel Knight, Laura Bow and The Dagger Of Amon Ra – great games from the days when you had to get the DOS interrupts right if you wanted your Soundblaster card to work right.
I, for one, welcome our inflateable overlords!
Reverend Billy Graham tells you how to determine a cult versus a non-cult.
Spoiler: Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, are all cults.