Chisels – 5

What I realized is that I was making those chisels for a beginner, who was going to be working at a makerspace, and, unlike mine, the chisels were not going to sit permanently on a rack near the lathe. They were going to wind up being transported in a car, carried around, etc. Godzilla chisels might be a tad ostentatious. Also, the skew chisel might be mistaken for a harpoon, or a murder weapon, and police involved. We need a chisel carrier!

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The earliest adhesives appear to be plant resins (also known as “tree sap”), crushed and allowed to cure as the moisture evaporates out. Such glues are surprisingly good, since they’re basically doing what they evolved to do: congeal and hold things together. According to the internets there are glues dating back to 70,000BCE, which consist of powdered stone (ochre) mixed with resin.

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An Easy Piece

This was a really quick build. I completed the top part and the sides, then let it age against a wall for nearly a year, while I more or less decided that the problem it was intended to help with was endemic and it was no use to finish and install.

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