I’ve been doing some web design, and it really sucks with a gouty foot. You’ve got to picture me hopping around cursing without pausing for air. It’s finally receding a bit, which means it’s merely miserable.
I’ve been doing some web design, and it really sucks with a gouty foot. You’ve got to picture me hopping around cursing without pausing for air. It’s finally receding a bit, which means it’s merely miserable.
The belltowers at Notre Dame are basically a medieval version of one of those barbecue charcoal-lighter cylinders. During the fire, you could see that the pompiers were trying to soak them down thoroughly. Apparently, they succeeded.
My deepest sympathies to the people of Paris, France.
Don’t breathe the smoke; the roof of the building was solid lead.
This is a great tragedy for art and culture; I wonder what happened. I grew up scampering around that building, and I have no idea how many times I hauled myself up the stairs to the roof so I could see the city below, the clusters of tourists like ants.
According to The Guardian the fire was started by accident during maintenance/construction work.
If only it were this easy.
Where we left things at last update, the steel building company was sending out a welder to cut out the gussets and move them. This happened, and the assembly of the building resumed.
It’s really not Jazzlet’s fault; it was just something that they said, which made me pick up a pretty small piece of twist damascus and try to hammer it into a little knife suitable for wrenching the eyes out of potatoes.
One thing I hate doing is digging post-holes. There is always a rock or something in exactly the wrong spot and by the time you’ve dug a foot or two down you know that: 1) you’re 1/3 of the way there 2) you’re at the effective limit of your tools.
Operation Overreach is something I have not posted about before. I think some part of my subconscious was telling me “this is going to be more bigger than you think” and I was hesitating to get into it.
Marketing is an inherently dishonest profession, in my opinion; its purpose is to misrepresent and manipulate. The other day I was at the surviving local hardware store, and ran across a piece of marketing from my distant past.
One of my many secret vices is NPR’s Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me! [Read more…]