For the record: I don’t care particularly much about the underlying topic, but I am interested why someone would lie so obviously and incompetently.
For the record: I don’t care particularly much about the underlying topic, but I am interested why someone would lie so obviously and incompetently.
Content Warning: Blood, Despair
I found this years ago; I don’t know who did the original or where it’s from, but it captures something.
Creating things for the future, or to give people pleasure, is an optimistic act.
This is all over the interwebs, as it should be, so I won’t apologize if you’ve already seen it.
Making boxes is one of the fundamental techniques of woodworking, and it’s also kind of a pain in the ass.
I’ll drop this here to offset the not-so-cheerful video by David Attenborough that I just posted [stderr] [And that, in a nutshell, illustrates how “offsets” are bogus: you still get to pollute or do the bad thing, you just make someone somewhere else suffer for it.]
I’ve got a confession to make: I’m hooked on Rimworld. It’s easily the most annoying and thought-provoking game I have ever encountered. I won’t say it’s a great game, but for the right kind of player, it results in some truly amazing game-play.
Finally, something that is beautiful and joyful in its own right. See, I’m not entirely depressing.
Content Warning: Cannibalism, Christmas
Someone forwarded me this, and I thought I’d share it: