That would be a great name for a web app programming language. It would have very long-term memories and a really aggressive garbage collector.
That would be a great name for a web app programming language. It would have very long-term memories and a really aggressive garbage collector.
I don’t like including twitter links but when someone uses that medium, you’ve either got to ignore them or suck it up.
One of the nice things about the AI art generators is that they can be entertaining in their own right.
I’m a huge fan of Bob Dylan. He’s such a fascinating character – literally a self-made man, an assemblage of americana and brilliance that provided the background music for my life.
This was an experiment welding test, that I got a bit carried away with.
Supposedly, “osoraku” is an old Japanese word for “perhaps.”
“Every story is about death” – Tuxedomoon
I was looking at some pictures (they were unavoidable) of the queen’s lying-in-state, and I noticed an odd thing.
A typical AI model like GPT-3 now contains beelyuns (billions) of decision-points – it’s a huge probability map of all of the potential answers that have generally been given before.
Michael Bell, the master smith at Dragonfly Forge has a sort of traditional-looking Roman workbench that he uses for blade shaping.