I’m referring, of course, to humans.
I’m referring, of course, to humans.
Rumsfeld was, simultaneously, a “company man” who saw himself as an enabling gear in the vast power-system of the US empire, and an independent-minded strategist; all in all a recipe for an asshole.
My first reaction was “no way!” and so was my second reaction. I have no idea why Associate Director of the FBI James B. Adams would say such a thing. Was he telling the truth?
Trolley car experiments seem to be a rich topic for “memes.”
Boingboing published a piece [boing] looking at US police budgets.
The hamon-making class is over, and I’m home and digging out from under the things that piled up while I was away.
The United Nations needs to quit, and reconstitute itself without its structural flaws – namely the US, Russian, and Chinese veto. That’s an embarrassment and the veto reveals that the nature of the body to be a puppet, always trumpeting the interests of the rulers of the world.
I know a few people who were home-schooled as kids, and who grew up to be fine, decent people. I even new one who was incredibly precocious and was tutored (in addition to a good private school education) by both father and mother. Everyone in my high school class knew he was going to be somebody in the sciences and, he is! Yay!
When I bought my farm, it included 20 acres of old coal mine.
Crip Dyke takes up the clubs, here: [pervert justice]