This is something I had heard nothing about, until last week, when I stumbled over it as a result of a google search (I was researching links for the Lituya Bay mega-tsunami).
This is something I had heard nothing about, until last week, when I stumbled over it as a result of a google search (I was researching links for the Lituya Bay mega-tsunami).
Many articles about “AI deepfake of Congressman Porkbelly fucking a Goat” are clearly fake …
Image below the fold
I’m not a vegan, but I minimize the amount of meat I eat, and try to basically never waste any.
This is a fairly well-known Peanuts strip:
This is a supreme – indeed superpowered – example of skills. Media matching, synchronization, and content management.
I forget where I saw this one, but: “The lone star on the Texas flag is a review/rating.”
It’s funny how much effort we put into building redundant and reliable systems (e.g.: “cloud computing”) that scale and replicate well – yet they are subject to the simplest of attacks that can disable them.
I don’t put a lot of attention into Instagram, but occasionally I post a picture of a work in progress, there, or I browse “drunkpeopledoingthings” and “thingsblowingup” – OK, it’s embarrassingly prurient.
That’s a rhetorical question, but I was thinking something today, about Palestine.