Prepare to have your mind blown. Are you sitting down? Turn up your speakers and have a glass of booze if you roll that way, or meth and oxy and booze – whatever chills you down.
Prepare to have your mind blown. Are you sitting down? Turn up your speakers and have a glass of booze if you roll that way, or meth and oxy and booze – whatever chills you down.
One really great thing about knife-making is that it seldom turns into an F-35 program. On the other hand, if it did, I’d be important, rich, set for life. It’s amusing to me to ponder the cost-scale and effort-scale between ancient weapons and modern, and that a dagger is still a better weapon in many ways.
A trope about samurai swords is that they are incredibly strong and sharp.
Since I didn’t have my laptop, I didn’t write up a daily summary of events so this is going to be a bit less narrative and a bit more stream-of-memory.
This one’s a bit embarrassing.
I have mentioned it before: I’ve been a wargamer for about 45 years. From my perspective, the hogh point of that was when I used to bicycle down to Read St, home of Avalon Hill games, and playtest Squad Leader, which I still regard as the best regiment-level tactical game ever made.
“Oroshigane” is the Japanese word for “shop metal” – steel that is home-brewed from whatever the smith decides is interesting.
Monday, I drove down to Baltimore to disassemble and re-wire my parents’ entertainment system. I swapped out a first-generation DVD player for a new little Sony blu-ray player with an HDMI connector, and that made the remaining problem one of plugging a couple of wires into the back of the flat panel. I was supposed to get there around lunchtime but I was an hour late because of America.
[Content Warning: War, Death]
This is not organized.