It’s really an amazing adaptation, to have an anal sac that you can express at someone when they get annoying. Think what human civilization would be like if we had that ability.
It’s really an amazing adaptation, to have an anal sac that you can express at someone when they get annoying. Think what human civilization would be like if we had that ability.
I walked out the front door and we both froze, looking at each other.
I’ve fallen into a habit of randomly switching from project to project, as my interests hit me. That results in a pretty random output, but I’m having a lot of fun.
I really enjoyed this video by Rick Beato; the idea is interesting and so are some of the collateral thoughts.
Last night around 4:00am I woke up briefly, obsessed with an invidious comparison.
This is a very “on point” meme for me.
I’m gonna just come right out and say it: if you’re a republican, you’re a dangerously delusional racist in denial. If you’re a democrat, you’re a dangerously delusional political hack in denial.
The domain name is suspicious, but it’s a plausible site – so, how are we supposed to tell if that’s really the Florida department of education, or just some very subtle trolling?
Willie Sutton said you rob banks because “that’s where the money is.” Well, what if you’re looking for wood?