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Share links to favorite or fascinating performances!
By now you have probably heard of Dall-E and Midjourney, etc.
By now you’ve heard that Shinzo Abe was murdered yesterday; he was shot in the back and died more or less instantly.
So far, it seems to me that every US presidency has a pile of secrets that are closely guarded when they happen, but eventually leak out. Obviously, that just speaks to what a sham “US democracy” is – the people’s representative (alleged) ought not to hide anything from the people, at all. Yet, they always seem to.
Once the forge body is all assembled, the next problem is to see if it can get hot enough to weld in. The whole exercise is completely pointless if you can’t use the thing for its intended purpose.
I’ve had my blade-making operation shut down for the last 2 years, because my old forge began developing awkward melted holes in the shell, which allowed long burning jets of propane to go shooting out all over the place.
In my previous post, I tried to explore some of the problems of non-violence, namely the difficulty of dealing with a collective that is willing to harm you and is not concerned with your moral arguments why what they are doing is a bad thing. [stderr] At what point do you treat all of the individuals that make up your attackers’ forces (or even the attackers’ civilians) as targets?
There is a book that I have returned to over and over again, for years. It fascinates me, because it exposes a lot of philosophical problems that I had never considered.
This is just pure funny.
[Happy blog-a-versary! I started this project in 2016 stderr and look at the wild ride! If you told me that Russia was going to be attacking its neighbors I’d have said “that’s as likely as Donald Trump getting elected president LOL LOL!” 2,484 postings, 30,971 comments, I don’t know how to see how many comments I’ve made and I’m scared to find out]
This is where I am right now: