This was taken right before the election:
This was taken right before the election:
This hasn’t gotten a lot of press because, frankly, it shouldn’t matter. But, every political issue – big or small – is contentious.
I’m starting to get a bit on the fence about the “algorithm” attention market. Sometimes I get really interesting stuff. Sometimes, not so.
My love for all things quirky has resulted in a youtube algorithm setting that appears to serve me up the finest random stuff.
Don’t worry, if you are inclined to.
I learned of the Order of the Garter in Canterbury Cathedral, when I was a kid. I think the general awesomeness of Edward (AKA: “The Black Prince”)s armor.
This is a dagger named “Beast Mode.” It’s not quite finished, yet, but it’s close. The handle’s done and that was the hard part.
I’ve spent the last few days hiding under my bed with mint ice cream, Xanax, my L1A1 and some full clips. Between the debate and the supreme court’s ridiculous decision, I have been feeling helpless, and I don’t like that feeling in the least little bit. But I can’t help trying to think, even when not much happens. This afternoon, while I was filing out the mekugi hole on a dagger named “Beast Mode” it all clicked into place. I’m not sure how to write it – whether I should fictionalize, or be sarcastic (e.g.: “ask the strategic genius”) so I am just going to wing it and see if it works.
When someone is carrying something very long, and very sharp, it’s important to keep from being the agent of their demise. You’ve got to think in terms of things like “what happens if this person is wearing it on their hip, and they slip in mud, land on the knife, the scabbard pops, and the blade winds up in their Femoral Artery?”
I sometimes enjoy drinking a few glasses of wine and playing Rimworld. There’s something about a slight buzz that engages my creativity in a kind of sloppy mode.