Huge News

The Taekwondo federation has stripped Putin of his black belt. [reuters]

That leaves Trump with his black belt, and Putin without a black belt.

Meanwhile, what is Steven Seagal doing? Joe Rogan managed to provide solid evidence of his claim that he’s just an idiot who asks questions. Apparenly [rollingstone] Rogan fell for a post that Seagal was going into the fighting, which was a send-up. Rogan got thoroughly trolled by the internet. Why do we have to care about any of these people in any way or form?


  1. says

    Why do we have to care about any of these people in any way or form?

    We don’t…unless we’re getting paid to care: I worked for an attorney who represented Segal. Not my favorite client.

  2. jrkrideau says

    The Taekwondo federation has stripped Putin of his black belt.

    I am sure he is heartbroken. /sarc

  3. witm says

    Probably not heartbroken, he doesn’t seem the type.

    That said, he might be angry or frustrated, or paranoid, or some other thing. Unless the whole setup was part of the calculated facade he was building up pre-invasion, in which case it was a simple tool that is was time to discard.

    I think a better lens to view it through is the TKD people waking up and being able to acknowledge a mistake. More people should do that… I stopped actively following sports in 2011, but let’s just say that a few Olympics, and the 2022 WC of soccer could use a moment of clarity – or rather the organizations running them could. Wishful thinking, I know.

    JK, you’re Canadian, I bet you might even know the exact moment that I stopped following sports actively ;)

  4. jrkrideau says

    JK, you’re Canadian, I bet you might even know the exact moment that I stopped following sports actively ;)

    No idea, my interest an knowledge of sports is very close to zero.

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