An Unsettling Thought For Kids

I’m going to try not to get in the habit of posting “memes” although I have to confess I have a tremendous archive of weird philosophy “memes.” A few of them won’t hurt you, right?


  1. lurker753 says

    Big Bird is also made of felt and rides a unicycle, suggesting he is a muppet.

    Cherry-picking! ;-)

  2. kurt1 says

    Big Bird is also made of felt and rides a unicycle, suggesting he is a muppet.

    maybe its a velociped making him possibly a velociraptor.

  3. says

    Actually, that’s a perfectly reasonable objection. Predators having forward-facing eyes is a characteristic of evolutionary history. The correlation only exists for species that have developed under selective pressures favoring binocular vision.

    As a muppet, Big Bird is not an evolved organism, but a designed one. The placement of the eyes therefore say absolutely nothing about eating habits, but only about the mentality of the designers.

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