Another Shot in the War On Christmas

But first: Are you experienced?

I have no idea where that picture comes from or who shot it but it looks like one of those “high as fuck” sort of ideas. Look at the mustache!


  1. says

    Well, flying reindeer are probably furrynurs trying to muscle in on the American way of ripping every poor slob off. Decent Americans don’t get their ex-mess presents for free, they buy them from big businesses.

  2. says

    “The idea of Santa and his flying reindeer is patently absurd.
    No members of the Cervidae have aerodynamic propensities, and Rangifer tarandus is not an exception.
    The misapprehension is, of course, based on a mishearing. It isn’t Santa and his flying reindeer with an ‘L’, no, it is Santa and his frying reindeer with an ‘R’: chicken-fried reindeer being a delicacy in the deep south of those far northern reaches…”

  3. says

    Decent Americans don’t get their ex-mess presents for free, they buy them from big businesses.

    That’s true! Santa’s business model is … socialistic.
    Real Americans don’t take hand-outs! (Unless it’s in the form of a repeal on capital gains taxes)

  4. says

    I really like that hat. And the hatband. And the feather.

    I got a big broad-brimmed hat like that around that same time. So did Stevie Ray Vaughn. I didn’t learn the useful stuff they learned, though.