A lot of attention has been paid recently to the abortion law passed in Texas that places such great restrictions on women’s right to choose that it effectively guts the US Supreme Court precedent Roe v. Wade. It prohibits abortions after a mere six weeks after the last menstrual period when many women do not even know they are pregnant and it authorizes ordinary citizens to take anyone who assists a woman to get an abortion (even like driving her to the clinic) to court and get a $10,000 reward for doing so.
The US Supreme Court, while not making a decision on the constitutionality of the law itself, allowed it to go into effect, seeming to buy the Texas Republicans’ argument that because the law does not allow the state to enforce the law but only private citizens, it has prima facie constitutionality. The anti-choice zealots in Texas are exchanging high-fives about their cleverness in crafting a law that they think will pass constitutional muster.
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