Time magazine’s choice for Person of the Year

Although the magazine’s online poll resulted in an easy win for Julian Assange with 382,026 votes (with Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan a distant second with 233,640 votes), to no one’s surprise they ignored their own poll and gave this utterly pointless marketing gimmick title to Mark Zuckerberg, who came in 10th with a measly 18,353 votes.

Over at Saturday Night Live, we get Assange’s reaction.

Stephen Sondheim on The Colbert Report

A truly great lyricist of musical theater has an enjoyable conversation with the host. Colbert’s suggested ending for the song Send in the Clowns is priceless.

<td style='padding:2px 1px 0px 5px;' colspan='2'Stephen Sondheim
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