Tim Walz’s unusual finances

It is not unusual for elected officials to have humble beginnings and then become very wealthy while in office. But although Tim Walz has been in elected office for nearly 20 years, first as a US congressman for 12 years and then as the governor of Minnesota, he appears to have very little wealth.

Either he is a very clean politician or is extremely clever at hiding his wealth.


  1. says

    I am considering the possibility that he may be one of those rare honest politicians. Getting into public service in order to serve the public?

  2. birgerjohansson says

    If this had been the case of a Republican, I would be thinking of offshore bank accounts, or gold bars buried near his prepper bunker.

  3. says

    Kinda sounds like Walz just isn’t all that financially savvy, or at least doesn’t consider himself savvy enough, to do anything other than pack his savings into state pension funds, which are probably boring as hell but very safe. I’m not really sure how “unusual” he is in that regard.

  4. John Morales says

    RB, a bit simplistic.
    As usual, universe of possibility.

    Kinda sounds like Walz just isn’t all that financially savvy [blah]

    Or maybe he’s savvy enough to get that sufficient wealth suffices.

    (So he need not compromise his integrity in seeking more wealth than necessary)

  5. Tethys says

    High School teachers are generally paid a very middle-class wage, which means that they don’t have vast sums of money to invest in the first place.

    Governor Wals is pretty much exactly what the media has shown. A very average, Midwestern middle class American who works hard just to get by. He is never cruel, or crass. Minnesota nice does have its good side.

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