Jon Stewart on the past week’s events

The Daily Show was off the past week when all the excitement around the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris transition was taking place and so there was a lot for Jon Stewart to catch up on when he got back yesterday. He was in full form, mugging for the cameras as he described the events and how Republicans are flailing in their attempts to suddenly find a way to attack Harris other than to point out that (surprise!) she is a woman and a person of color.

He also says that there is a simple way for Republicans to address their complaint that it is unfair for the Democratic party to have Harris replace Biden as the nominee at this late stage: “You can replace your old guy too!”


  1. birgerjohansson says

    Not only is it impossible for SSADT to voluntarily step aside, DJ Lance will not attract many voters. He is just another Wannabe like DeSantis and the rest.

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