There is a report that the Flat Earth International Conference is organizing a big sea cruise for its members. But they seem to have overlooked one important detail.
“Ships navigate based on the principle that the Earth is round,” said Henk Keijer, a former cruise ship captain who sailed all over the globe during a 23-year career.
“Nautical charts are designed with that in mind: that the Earth is round.”
Keijer, who now works as a forensic marine expert for Robson Forensic, said the existence of GPS, the global positioning system, alone is proof that the Earth is a sphere, not a flat disc. GPS relies on 24 main satellites which orbit the Earth to provide positional and navigational information.
“The reason why 24 satellites were used is because on the curvature of the Earth,” Keijer said.
“A minimum of three satellites are required to determine a position. But someone located on the other side of the Earth would also like to know their position, so they also require a certain number of satellites.
“Had the Earth been flat, a total of three satellites would have been enough to provide this information to everyone on Earth. But it is not enough, because the Earth is round.”
The flat Earthers would be right to distrust navigational systems that are based on a round Earth model because it might erroneously lead them over the edge, the way that GPS systems based on faulty or outdated maps can lead drivers astray. But their chances of finding a crew that uses a flat Earth navigational system are not good.
“I have sailed 2 million miles, give or take,” Keijer said.
“I have not encountered one sea captain who believes the Earth is flat.”
You might wonder why the cruisers aren’t scared of falling off the edge. As I wrote back in November, there are two competing flat Earth models: one has a dome over the Earth and the other does not. The people going on the cruise believe in a dome so that may explain why they are not afraid of falling off the edge. The worst is that they’d run up against the dome wall, sort of like the Jim Carrey character in The Truman Show.
It would be a little trickier for the domeless members of the competing Flat Earth Society. They say that Antarctica is the boundary of the flat Earth and consists of an ice wall all around the circumference of the Earth, the kind of massive wall that Donald Trump can only dream about. But as long as they don’t run into it so hard that they blast a hole through it or go over the top, they should be safe.
But what about the Night King and Viserion?
The cruise ship captains are in on the conspiracy.
I’m sorry but that’s just not impressing me.
This Driver Put 1 Million Miles on Her Hyundai Elantra in Just Five Years
Reginald Selkirk @# 3
I don’t know, something about that story doesn’t add up.
That’s 200,000 miles per year, Divide by 365 equals 547.9 miles per day. At 60 mph it would take a little over 9 hrs per day.
larpar, from the link: “As Haines approached one million, she reached out to Hyundai. Understandably, the company was skeptical of how little time it took. After techs validated the million-mile Hyundai Elantra by pulling onboard data, checking service records, and inspecting engine-block casting numbers, Hyundai presented Haines with its first ever “1M” odometer badge.”
I once had a GSX750F (from new) in which the odometer stopped at 99,999.9 km; needed either a new one or time spent by the workshop to research how to reset it. I had a look for myself, didn’t bother. Pretty piss-poor from the manufacturer, I thought, when rollover would have been pretty simple. Was a nice bike, but.
Here’s the fix:
“My bike a GSX750FY, had just clocked 100K except it did not clock as when it reached 99 999 it stopped. I researched and discovered the IC number for my bike. I have an electronic background so I purchased some software to give me a code to re program the Eeprom IC from the odometer/speedometer and used the programmer at my work to program it with a new code.
To remove the 93c46 Eeprom IC from the instrument cluster requires delicate work and the ability to de solder and solder through hole components.
There is a white plastic spacer that surrounds the instrument cluster PCB and sits between the gauges and the PCB (ref fig 1). This surround has to be removed as it covers the Eeprom that needs to be removed for programming. The fuel gauge and tachometer are straight forward to remove however the speedometer will need the 16 pin plastic encapsulated extension that holds the LCD display that is the odometer readout de soldered from the PCB (ref fig 2). Then the speedometer can be removed and then the surround so that the 93c46 IC can be de soldered and removed. Take anti static precautions.
It is possible that the IC can be reprogrammed in the PCB (connection from the solder side of the PCB) however in my experience this could open you up to failure as connection to other components via the PCB can interfere.
The safer method is to remove and place in a programmer, copy the original Eeprom then program a new IC with the file and then program again with the change you wish to make with the new code from a mileage calculator. This way you still have the original to fall back on.
Re-assemble with the reverse process.”
John Morales @# 5
I saw that. I trust Hyundia about the same as a VW emission report..
Never let facts get in the way of a good PR story. : )
She delivers automotive parts… in a suburban car? To the tune of 882km per day? That’s more than Adelaide to Melbourne. Each day.
I’m not saying it’s definitely bullshit… but that article sure reads like a Hyundai paid promotion.
It’s okay. They already know what will happen if they reach the edge. (if there’s no picture hit the wikipedia link below)
Source: (Wikipedia)
Personally, I think that 99% of Flat Earthers are just trolls who really don’t believe in the information they are spreading. They just like being part of a big club that gets lots of attention and pisses off the libs. Which is part of the reason I refuse to engage with them.
I bet the 1% who really do believe in a flat earth won’t be on this cruise.
I am not as sanguine as you about the low number. People are capable of believing the most absurd things.
In two earlier posts I linked to reporters who attended these conventions who seemed to think that many of these people actually believe this.
Flat and circular does NOT equal spherical.
Buy a P1000, go to the shore, and zoom in… let me know where that curve is.
No curve, no globe, case closed.
If the Earth is flat, then when you look out over the ocean with a strong enough Zoom, shouldn’t you see land in every direction because the other continents are there? We have powerful telescopes now. If I point one westwards over the Pacific Ocean from California, shouldn’t I be able to see Japan and China and Korea?