Since last night I have been feeling ‘under the weather’ (a fine phrase that captures the feeling of being lethargic and achy and having a low fever without being really sick) and so have taken a break from blogging. Hopefully I will feel ‘over the weather’ (a phrase that does not exist, as far as I know, but perhaps should) by tomorrow.
chigau (違う) says
I hope you feel better soon.
jrkrideau says
Best wishes.
Sophy says
Hope you get better soon. I may not comment much, but I do enjoy reading. Thank you.
Rob Grigjanis says
Hope you’re better soon.
I’m still recovering from a four week bout of flu-like symptoms (longest ever for me, by far). Not severe, but I couldn’t work out, and routine chores were tiring. My sister was sick at the same time, with far worse symptoms, and pneumonia developing later. Much better now. My guess is that we had the H3N2. The difference may have been that I had the flu shot, and she didn’t.
Hope it’s not that.
Lofty says
Hope it’s only a short duration bug, being ill for weeks is no fun.
richardelguru says
Let’s hope you wēox under wolcnum and get better soon.
starskeptic says
Beware the miasma…
blf says
I seem to be over mine (also four weeks), no idea what it was. “Cold”, I said at first, then “severe cold”, then “feck go awayyyyy!”, and finally it did. Albeit I am also wondering if it was influenza.
Matt G says
Hope you’re feeling better, but in future you really should get our permission.