“To know, know, know him, is to hate, hate, hate, him …”

Stephen Colbert comments on the curious fact that from the time that Ted Cruz started campaigning heavily in Indiana and became more familiar to the voters there, his poll numbers started tanking in a major way.

For those wondering about the title of this post, it comes from a really old song by a long forgotten group known as The Teddy Bears.


  1. says

    I would expect that applies to most politicians.

    The further you get behind the mask, the worse it’s going to look, too. Have you ever noticed how what history generally records about politicians is that they were corrupt hypocrites who cheerfully pulled the wool over the public’s eyes? The problem is that corruption attracts the corrupt and power attracts those that will abuse it. When you get to know any of those motherfuckers you’re not gonna like them. Cruz absorbed some nasty ideology through the religious environment he was raised in. The reason he makes us queasy is because we know there’s a smiling veneer of meat stapled over the front of something very ugly indeed.

  2. Pierce R. Butler says

    Yabbut even by United States Senate “the most exclusive club in the world” and talibangelical standards, Cruz repels.

  3. says

    Cruz folds his campaign. Whoah. Now it’s gonna be Trump against Clinton. This is going to be ugly — she’s a huge target and isn’t very popular.

  4. sonofrojblake says

    she’s a huge target and isn’t very popular.

    Huh? Is this an admission that she doesn’t have the election in the bag?

  5. Reginald Selkirk says

    Did you notice that Colbert wore a suit, shirt and tie very similar to those in the photo of Ted Cruz they used?

  6. says

    She probably does. But if she gets in a mud-pit shit slinging match with Trump (is there any option?) she will start her presidency with a higher level of hate directed at her than that brown kenyan communist dearh panels guy.

    Clinton loves power, but this is going to be bitter for her. That may be good. I hope she hates her turn as oligarch de tutti oligarchi.

  7. lorn says

    I suspect that Ted Cruz has, from the start, been angling for a vice-president position.

    Don’t laugh. Can you imagine how completely bulletproof you would feel with Cruz as your running mate. Nobody wants to see him as president and because of that your are going to be protected like a priceless Fabergé egg.

    The story was that Dan Quayle served the same role.

    Of course Cruz, being the unattractive manipulator will seek to be Dick Chaney to Trump’s Bush Jr.

    I picture it as being Gríma Wormtongue to Trump’s Théoden. If Theoden were a bloviating BS artist in the mold of Il-Duce, Benito Mussolini.

    Leave it to the GOP to make LOTR seem like a documentary.

  8. lorn says

    Marcus Ranum @ 7:

    … “[S]he will start her presidency with a higher level of hate directed at her than that brown kenyan communist dearh panels guy.”

    She has walked through that fire for a quarter of a century now. If there is anyone capable of taking the heat from the right-wing noise machine turned up to eleven it is Hillary Rodham Clinton. The GOP has heated and hammered for decades. Have they inadvertently forged the blade that can defeat them?

    Is that how the story goes? Perhaps. There are always possibilities. Time will tell.

    My gut tells me that you don’t sell Hillary short. I come from a family of tough women. Underestimate them at your peril.

  9. Kilian Hekhuis says

    “a really old song by a long forgotten group known as The Teddy Bears” -- I’m not sure that’s a long forgotten group. It’s Phil Spector’s first group (and the only one he performed in).

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