Needless to say, there has been a lot of negative reaction from the Republican party and Fox News to president Obama’s modest proposals to curb gun violence. Part of the reason is that they and others are in thrall of the gun lobby. But part of it is undoubtedly because they simply hate Obama and have gone all out to discredit him and oppose anything that he advocates, unless it benefits the oligarchy. This time they focused their ire and poured scorn on, of all things, the tear that he shed when talking about the deaths of elementary school children in Newtown.
Here is how The Daily Show responded to these absurd criticisms.
And here is Larry Wilmore of The Nightly Show on the same topic.
(These clips aired on January 6, 2016. To get suggestions on how to view clips of The Daily Show and The Nightly Show outside the US, please see this earlier post. If the videos autoplay, please see here for a diagnosis and possible solutions.)
kyoseki says
I love how they were already retaliating against them before they even knew what they were.
The only one of these orders I have the slightest problem with is the overly optimistic idea that smart guns are the solution to America’s gun violence problem, a magical technological silver bullet that’s going to save us from ourselves.
Sunday Afternoon says
Can we retire the term “silver bullet”, especially in this discussion?
The solution to shootings is not another shooting.
StevoR says
@ ^ Sunday Afternoon : Would stake through the heart be much better?
Oops? Should I fall on my sword for that ‘ún? Er .. feel the burn? That too much like Suttee? ( ) Um, I mean .. should my head roll? No? Oh these figures of speech! So hyperbolic and hard to, erm, execute, right?!
(Sorry, language esp. metaphors is / are weird ain’t it?)
.. Is predictably batshit crazy!
(No offense to crazy people (I’m one myself) or flying mammals intended. Just, well, how else do you describe it?)
PS. Is anyone actually seriously suggesting shooting people as solution here?
Sunday Afternoon says
However metaphorical, the term “silver bullet” is associated with a violent act (shooting someone) and reflects how the broader culture is accepting of violence.
kyoseki says
Yes, but it also shows how intolerant we are of werewolves.