Samantha Bee looks at the efforts by corporations to use a breast campaign awareness campaign to ‘pink wash’ their actions and distract people from the fact that their business actions may actually be increasing the risk of cancer. The charity Susan G. Komen that promoted using the pink color has already been accused of exploiting the campaign for its own benefit and that of its executives and this is not going to help them either
(This clip aired on December 3, 2014. To get suggestions on how to view clips of The Daily Show and The Colbert Report outside the US, please see this earlier post. If the videos autoplay, please see here for a diagnosis and possible solutions.)
Rob Grigjanis says
Mano, have you seen the documentary Pink Ribbons, Inc.? It discusses these issues in some depth. Link.
Mano Singham says
No, I wasn’t aware of it. Thanks for the link.