It looks like Judaism has its own share of anti-gay crazies who claim that there is a direct connection between earthquakes (like the one last week that touched DC) and homosexuality. That is the message from a rabbi named Yehuda Levin who quotes god saying in the Talmud thusly: “You have shaken your male member in a place where it doesn’t belong. I too, will shake the earth.”
Really? The Talmud has our old buddy Yahweh actually saying things like that?
I wonder what nifty quote he will dig out to explain Hurricane Irene, especially since it is hitting New York City, home to many ultra-Orthodox communities.
I still don’t get why god metes out these crude and indiscriminate punishments that affect gays and non-gays alike. God seems to be somewhat scatterbrained and lack focus. Why not simply send in some divine drones to kill just the people he hates?
Scott says
One of the Facebook groups I’m on said they were expecting a televangelist to proclaim Irene as God’s wrath on New York for gay marriage or some such nonsense. I commented that if that was true, then Irene should have destroyed Provincetown, MA, which has a large gay community. But of course, believers never let evidence or logic get in their way.
Raquel - Oriflame says
I can not understand how someone can link homosexuality with natural disasters