Sarah Palin in India

After the last election when the interviews she gave to the media turned into debacles, Sarah Palin has avoided them, except for those where she knows she will get softball questions from friendly hosts on Fox News.

But on a recent trip to India to give a speech, she agreed to an interview with the Editor-in-Chief of India Today, perhaps not realizing that other countries also have real journalists. That interview did not go that well, either.


  1. Steve LaBonne says

    Proudly ignorant, greedy, resentful of her betters, brimming with entirely unearned self-esteem- she is the epitome of everything that is wrong with 21st century America.

  2. says

    Sarah who?

    This women is a little wrapped up in her own persona to be in charge, she epitomizes all that is wrong with politics, no-one likes smart mouth comments especially from a political loser.
    Pity the interviewer was not Jeremy Paxman of the BBC, no disrespect to the guy from India Today

    The people made the right decision electing Mr, Obama, his charisma is all his own and what he lacks in experience he makes up for in humanity.

  3. says

    Proudly ignorant, greedy, resentful of her betters, brimming with entirely unearned self-esteem- she is the epitome of everything that is wrong with 21st century America.

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