That god, such a kidder

Michele Bachman recently said that back in 2003 when she was a Minnesota state senator and heard that the Massachusetts Supreme Court had ruled that bans on same-sex marriages were unconstitutional, she prayed to her god asking what she should do and her god told her to introduce an amendment in the state legislature defining marriage as a union between one man and one woman.

But for some inexplicable reason, after telling her this her god did not use his omnipotency to get enough other legislators to support the measure and it failed, showing once again that her god is such a tease. Either that or he is simply disorganized and lacks follow through. As Woody Allen once said, “If it turns out that there is a God, I don’t think that he’s evil. But the worst that you can say about him is that basically he’s an underachiever.”


  1. says

    The way I have studied this stuff is that the voice that we hear inside is from our unconscious and within our unconscious we have many subpersonalities.

    The Real self that we have is connected with GOD, the omnipotent, but its not at all necessary that every time you ask it a question it answers.

    Sometimes other subpersonalities within us, who are not truly aware come forward and speak, this is the reason for this types of confusion. Not that her GOD was a kidder.

  2. says


    How can a person tell the difference between what the real self is saying and the other subpersonalities? How do you know when it is really a god that is speaking to you?

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