Fundraiser Update: Past, Future, and Present

To my utter shock, I was no less than two minutes past the official starting point for today’s stream of Stardew Valley! That was the main reason I never announced the stream, in fact, I was too tempted by starting it on time to tab away and write up a blog post. For the next two weeks the video is available on my Twitch page, and after that will pop up on my YouTube archive.

As for the guide on streaming…. ugh. It turns out I have so many tasks to do that I forgot about a rather major one, so after today’s stream I couldn’t resume work on the guide. I’ve got a fair amount of it already in the can, but I don’t want to release anything half-baked. My workload should lessen up mid-week, which will allow me to resume work on it.

I really hate to delay that, especially given how generous everyone has been. We’ve raised an astounding $3,006.94 during this round for FtB! I was pretty convinced we’d never crack $2,200, but you’ve soundly proven me wrong. Thank you so much for helping pay off this network’s legal bills, it helps all of us sleep better at night. You better believe that I’m going to repay the generosity with the best guide to streaming I can muster.

But, in the meantime, I’ve got to crank up the volume and get coding.