‘Tis the season for ridiculous commercialism: I’ve been seeing these unbelievable commercials that feature some smug guy surprising his wife by giving her a luxury car (with a bow on top) as a present, or popping open a box with a big honkin’ diamond in it. The women always clap their hands with glee and lean in for a hot passionate kiss. I see these and I wonder…just how stupid do advertisers think men are?
I can tell you exactly what would happen if I spent a month’s salary or more on jewelry (or worse, a year’s income on a car). My wife would look aghast, and waver between calling the hospital for an immediate psychiatric consult and kicking me in the groin. I would spend that much on inessential frippery? Without consulting her? There sure wouldn’t be any sexual arousal, unless these commercial makers easily confuse that sinking feeling in the pit of the stomach at the thought of budget-busting debt with “sexy.”
Desirable women are too smart to be bought with flashy gee-gaws. My wife and I are talking about getting ourselves a snow-blower for Christmas…now that is romantic.
Don’t delude yourself — you can’t buy monogamy.