How Scalia was appointed to the Supreme Court is mysterious — oh, wait, no it’s not, he was appointed by Reagan and congress basically rolled over for him — but he’s always saying such stupid stuff. The latest is a dismissal of the right of atheists to exist in America.
[Scalia] told the audience at Archbishop Rummel High School that there is
no placein the country’s constitutional traditions for the idea that the state must be neutral between religion and its absence.
To tell you the truth there is no place for that in our constitutional tradition. Where did that come from?he said.To be sure, you can’t favor one denomination over another but can’t favor religion over non-religion?
That’s right. I thought it was clear: the government doesn’t get to interfere in private matters of conscience. It’s a concept that really isn’t that hard to understand. There should be no federal bias in favor of Baptists over Catholics, or Christians over Muslims, or religious vs. non-religious — it’s just not their job. It’s worrisome that a Supreme Court justice thinks it is their job.
His excuses are also incredibly stupid.