Chris Rock has been brilliant on race issues lately — he’s been saying some of the smartest stuff on Ferguson, cops strangling black people, and all the other injustices that plague this country. So what’s a no-name white conservative comedian (those two words do not go together) like Stephen Crowder to do? Accuse Chris Rock of being the real racist.
Aamer Rahman has a few things to say to Stephen Crowder.
Another edition of our ghastly campus wingnut ‘alternative’ paper came out today. I’m not going to go through it page by page — it’s just gotten worse and worse with every issue. Here are the three main themes:
If you’ve ever wanted a Nobel Prize, you can bid on one: James Watson is auctioning his off, with a starting bid of $2.5 million dollars.
He says he needs the money.
It seems that Palestinians are very familiar with injustice.
No indictment for Darren Wilson.
He was a white cop who murdered a black teenager. Did you really expect anything else?
Glenn Greenwald has a great long piece tearing Sam Harris’s ideas apart. It was so satisfying to see my own opinions reflected with such clarity and reason — I have to agree with it all. Read it. It is a thing of beauty.
I have to say one thing for Obama’s announcement of a new immigration policy: it has really smoked out the inhumane and vicious Republicans. There have been so many things said that reveal the core values of the Republican party, but this comment from a Fox News host captures the attitude perfectly.
It looks like that’s what I’m going to get, though. Mother Jones sent a reporter to the Urban Shield conference, a gathering of cops and their new toys. It’s chilling.