Via National Geographic, which also offers this video of Humboldt Squid Wrestling.
Via National Geographic, which also offers this video of Humboldt Squid Wrestling.
(via Meadowview Biological Research Station
Hey, there’s a cause associated with this image. Meadowview is trying to win a $50,000 grant to purchase a 5 acre bog in Virginia to be set aside as a preserve for carnivorous pitcher plants. All you have to do is go to this site and vote to help them achieve that goal. I think you can vote every day, too.
(via National Geographic)
(via the Smithsonian)
(via George Papabeis)
(via NOAA)
(via National Geographic)
One can almost pity the brown snake. They’re a dreadfully persistent invasive species, but they’re going to try and exterminate them by paradropping poison-laced mice into the jungles of Guam.
(via ToLWeb)